Treat Rising Damp Internal Wall

The cost of repairing rising damp can vary wildly. The main factors affecting how much you will pay include the type of home you live in, the severity of the damaged caused by the damp, and the cause of the rising damp.

Treating rising damp in a terraced home will cost less than a detached home. This is because there are fewer external walls to be dealt with. The more walls you have, the more it will cost to fix.

The damage caused by rising damp can be extensive. For you to know that you have rising damp, you will have seen some damage, for example, stained walls. The plaster on these walls will need to be taken off and replaced. When you investigate the rising damp, you might find damage that you couldn't see, for example, rotting floor joists. The longer you put off treating the issues, the more it is likely to cost.

There are several causes of rising damp. They all boil down to issues with the damp proof course (DPC) in your home. If the DPC is just bridged by another material, this can be an easy fix. If you need to replace the DPC for your whole home, then it gets more expensive.

For the easiest possible situation with minimal damage, it could cost as little as £400 to fix all the problems and the damage. If the issue has been left unchecked and causes extensive damage, you could be looking at as much as £16,000.

Rising Damp Treatment Prices

The cost of treating rising damp depends on what type of damp treatment you decide to use, or what’s best for your situation.