9 AM - 12 PM CST on THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 2021



virtual, so anywhere and everywhere

How might we reflect, learn, and #makelegaledbetter?

We propose a retrospective for legal education, to capture and act with intention on the many lessons learned from our shared and unique experiences throughout the COVID pandemic.

In small working groups — made up of law students, legal educators, law school administrators, and education experts — we will engage in an intentional retrospective exercise using a thorn - rose - bud format to identify lessons learned and opportunities for growth and iteration as we emerge from the COVID pandemic.


What has the pandemic revealed — or made impossible to ignore — that we should STOP doing?


What good has come from the pandemic that we should KEEP doing?


What is something new we learned that we should NURTURE and iterate, as the pandemic ends?

The TRB Retrospective Mission:
To #MakeLegalEdBetter through intentional retrospection and a commitment to learn from our experiences and experiments and iterate going forward.

We'll gather around virtual tables in Zoom!

The Organizers

Northwestern University
Pritzker School of Law


Michigan State University
College of Law


Vanderbilt Law School


The Sponsors

Northwestern University
Pritzker School of Law

Michigan State University College of Law

Apply to participate!

The Venue :: ZOOM

To create a safe and accessible event, we're hosting the inaugural TRB Retrospective in Zoom.

While we would love to gather in person, we're confident that a virtual venue makes the event safe for all to attend, and more accessible to more participants.

We'll make use of breakout rooms for working group sessions, as well as tools including digital whiteboards. Our goal is to use familiar tools with very short learning curves, to empower our work together rather than distract from it.