Subcommittee on Pedestrian Research

Transportation Research Circular
Transportation Research Circular E-C084: Pedestrians: Research Needs Statements was published by TRB in December 2005 and contains the Top 16 Pedestrian Needs Statements (RNS) (and approximately 80 other important research topics). This document provides important RNS that research organizations can adopt and fund. The Top 16 RNS are more fully-developed statements, but they should be viewed as “specials” rather than the only research topics on the menu. Some organizations may find that many of the other 80 topics are also relevant for their research needs.

Pedestrian Research Needs Statement Database in Excel (Ongoing project)
Last Updated 1/14/2012

Notes from Strategic Research Symposium on Pedestrians and Walkability
Symposium Held 9/2/2008

2014 Draft Research Needs Statements

Lighting for Pedestrian Safety and Walkability
Synthesis of the Economic Benefits of Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation
Synthesis of Pedestrian Infrastructure Assessment Methods and Tools

2013 Draft Research Needs Statements

Safe Practices for Bicyclists Passing Pedestrians

Documenting Severe Pedestrian Injuries for Accurate Performance Measurement

Selecting the Corner Radius and Design Vehicle to Improve Safety at Intersections

Using Automated Detectors to Maximize Safety for Pedestrians and Bicyclists at Signalized Intersections

Countdown Pedestrian Signals: Accuracy of Response by Pedestrians with Varying Levels of Visual Activity

2012 Draft Research Needs Statements

Improving Pedestrian Injury Reporting

Guide for Managing Pedestrian Facility Risks

Guidelines for selecting the corner radius and design vehicle to improve safety at intersections with pedestrian crossings

2011 Draft Research Needs Statements

Best Practices for Sidewalk Maintenance

Synthesis of Pedestrian Infrastructure Assessment Methods and Tools

Data Sources to Measure Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety in Parking Lots

Framework for National Pedestrian and Bicycle Performance Measures

Estimating the Benefits of a more Complete Pedestrian Injury Reporting System

Evaluation of Automated Pedestrian Detection Technologies

Increasing the Safety of Interactions between Pedestrians and Large Commercial Vehicles in Urban Areas

Developing Guidelines to Improve Pedestrian Access to Transit Stops

2010 Draft Research Needs Statements

Best Practices for Pedestrian Facility Maintenance

Best Practices for Pedestrian Infrastructure Assessment

Improving the Safety of Mid-Block Pedestrian Crossings near Transit Stops

Developing Guidelines to Improve Pedestrian Access to Transit Stops

Effects of Pedestrian Improvements on Transit Ridership and Customer Satisfaction

Evaluation of Automated Pedestrian Detection Technologies

Development of Crash Reduction Factors for Uncontrolled Pedestrian Crossing Treatments

Synthesis of Model City/County Ordinances that Support Pedestrian Safety and Access

Automobile Parking Lots and Pedestrian and Bicycle Access and Safety

2009 Draft Research Needs Statements

Pedestrian Environment Improvements to Increase Transit Ridership

Automobile Parking Lots and Pedestrian and Bicycle Access and Safety

Institutional Issues Blocking Pedestrian Improvements

Automated Pedestrian Safety Analysis Using Video Data

Improving the Service for all Users at a Signalized Intersection through Developing a Detection-based Traffic Signal System

Evaluation of Automated Pedestrian Detection Technologies

Platform for the Simulation of Pedestrians

Best Practices for Pedestrian Facility Maintenance

Best Practices for Pedestrian Infrastructure Assessment

Improvements for Pedestrians with Low Vision

Effect of Hand-Held Communication Device Use on Pedestrian Safety

Best Practices for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Safe Routes to School Program

2008 Draft Research Needs Statements

Evaluating the Effect of Driver Cell Phone Use on Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety

Accommodating Pedestrians in Traffic Signal Systems

Improving Pedestrian and Bicyclist Accessibility and Safety at At-Grade Railroad Crossings

Pedestrian Signals: Visibility to Pedestrians with Varying Levels of Vision

2007 Draft Research Needs Statements

Improving Transit and Transportation Agency Coordination to Increase the Safety of Mid-Block Pedestrian Crossings near Transit Stops

Increasing the Safety of Interactions between Pedestrians and Large Commercial Vehicles in Urban Areas

Development of a Methodology to Evaluate the Impacts of Constructing Missing Sidewalks

2006 Draft Research Needs Statements

Integrating Pedestrian Considerations into Traffic Signal Design

Case Studies of Model City/County Ordinances that Support a Vibrant Pedestrian Network

Pedestrian/Vehicle Conflicts in/around School Zones (related to Safe Routes to School Programs)