
Managing Roadsides and Rights-of-Way for Pollinators. Xerces Society compilation of resources related to roadside vegetation management to benefit pollinators.

Pollinator Habitat Conservation Along Roadways. NCHRP Web-Only Documeent 362 consists of 16 regional guides, regional accessory materials, and a communicaitons toolbox to help inform DOT staff and leadership and the general public about pollinators.

Rights-of-Way as Habitat Working Group Resources Library. Many of the resources in the library address pollinators.

Roadside Habitat for Monarchs. Monarch Joint Venture resources for managing roadside vegetation to benefit monarchs, including a Habitat Evaluator Tool.

Technical Manual for Managing Roadsides for Pollinator: Establishment, Restoration, Management and Maintenance. A Guide for State DOT Managers and Staff. Pollinator Partnership.