
Webinars for Committee Research Coordinators (CRC)

Presentation Slides are linked to names below.

CRC 101 - December 6, 2023

PDF slide deck

Video recording

New RNS Database System - May 26, 2023

PDF slide deck

Video recording

FAQs with Answers!

Annual CRC/Chair Q & A Session - December 7, 2022

PPT slide deck

Video recording

Annual CRC/Chair Q & A Session - December 14, 2021

This webinar was an interactive session during which CRCs and Chairs asked questions and CRC Council members responded.

Video recording

Committee Websites and Research Communication - November 15, 2021

Features demonstrations of "best practices" from three TRB committees as well as important updates from the CRC Council, CCC Council, and TRR Managing Editor.

Video Recording

AASHTO-TRB Committee Successful Partnerships Webinar  - June 14, 2021

The following demonstrations of successful partnerships between TRB Committees and AASHTO counterparts were made:

Video Recording

CRC Funding Program Webinar: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) - March 30, 2021

Jon Schleifer and Shelly Yak presented on FAA research programs and how TRB committees can engage in these research programs. 

Video Recording

CRC Funding Program Webinar: University Transportation Research Centers (UTC) - March 16, 2021

Caesar Singh/USDOT Office of  the Secretary of Transportation presented on the general UTC program.

Yinhai Wang/University of Washington and Kaan Ozbay/New York University presented more specifically on how they have implemented the UTC program at their universities.

Video Recording | Q&A

CRC Q&A Webinar - December 7, 2020

This webinar was an interactive session during which CRCs and Chairs asked questions and CRC Council members responded.

Video Recording

CRC Funding Program Webinar: USDOT Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) - October 13, 2020

This webinar focused on current and upcoming FMCSA research activities.

Presentation - Jeff Loftus and Jon Mueller | Video Recording (register to view)

CRC Funding Program Webinar: USDOT Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) - June 16, 2020

This webinar focused on FRA's research programs: Broad Agency Announcement (BAA), Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR), and Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI).

Presentations | Video Recording

CRC Funding Program Webinar: USDOT Office of the Secretary of Transportation - Research (OST-R) Intelligent Transportation Systems - Joint Project Office (ITS-JPO) - May 14, 2020

Egan Smith | Video Recording

CRC Funding Program Webinar: USDOT Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) - March 12, 2020

This webinar focused on PHMSA research programs in two different areas: pipeline safety and hazardous materials safety.

Pipeline Safety - Joshua Arnold | Hazardous Materials Safety - Rick Boyle | Video Recording

CRC Q&A Webinar - December 18, 2019

This webinar was an interactive session during which CRCs and Chairs asked questions and CRC Council members responded.

Video Recording

CRC Funding Program Webinar: USDOT Federal Transit Administration (FTA) - November 13, 2019

This webinar focused on FTA funding programs. It did not cover the Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP). A TCRP webinar was held in 2016. Please scroll down to view files for the 2016 TCRP webinar.

Mary Leary | Video Recording

CRC Funding Program Webinar: USDOT Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) - November 5, 2019

This webinar focused on FHWA funding programs.

Craig Thor | Video Recording

CRC Funding Program Webinar: State DOT - October 22, 2019

This webinar focused on the State DOT funding programs: State Planning and Research (SPR) federal funding program and the Transportation Pooled Fund (TPF) Program.

SPR - Emily Parkany | TPF - Pete Zaniewski | Video Recording

Research Cycle Webinar: Technology Transfer, Implementation of Research Results, and Determining & Communicating the Value of Research - August 23, 2019

This webinar is the fourth and last in the series of webinars highlighting the Research Cycle Help Guides. The topic of this webinar in Technology Transfer, Implementing Research Results, and Determining & Communicating the Value of Research

Susan Sillick | Video Recording

Research Cycle Help Guide Webinar: Obtaining Research Funding - August 7, 2019

This webinar is the third in the series of webinars highlighting the Research Cycle Help Guides. The topic of this webinar is Obtaining Research Funding.

Susan Sillick | Video Recording

Research Cycle Help Guide Webinar: Writing Research Needs Statements and Problem Statements - July 9, 2019

This webinar is the second in the series of webinars highlighting the Research Cycle Help Guides. The topic of this webinar is Writing Research Needs Statements (RNS) and Problem Statements.

Susan Sillick | Video Recording

Research Cycle Help Guide Webinar: Committee Approach to Research, Incorporating Research into Your Committee's Triennial Strategic Plans and Developing action plans, and Monitoring Research & Results - July 2, 2019

This webinar is the first in the series of webinars highlighting the Research Cycle Help Guides. The topic of this webinar is Committee Approaches to Research, Incorporating Research into Your Committee's Triennial Strategic Plan and Developing Action Plans, and Monitoring Research & Results.

Susan Sillick | Video Recording

CRC Q&A Session - December 2018

This Q&A session provided the opportunity for CRCs and chairs to ask questions related to TRB committee's role in research.

Video Recording (Note: The webinar begins at the 2:20 minute mark.)

CRC Funding Program Webinar: Behavioral Traffic Safety Cooperative Research Program (BTSCRP) - November 2018

This webinar provides an overview of the Behavioral Traffic Safety Cooperative Research Program (BTSCRP).

Thomas Glass and Christopher Hedges | Video Recording

CRC Funding Program Webinar: Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) - October 2018

This webinar provides an overview of the Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP).

Joseph Navarrete | Video Recording

CRC 101  - November 2016

This webinar provides an overview of the TRB Committee Research Coordinators (CRC).

Sue Sillick  |  Cynthia Jones  | Bill McLeod  |  Ernie Heymsfield  |  Video Recording 

CRC Funding Program Webinar: National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP)  - October 2016

This webinar provides an overview of the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP).

Christopher Hedges  |  Video Recording

CRC Funding Program Webinar: Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP)  - April  2016

This webinar provides an overview of the Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP), providing information such as funding (total and typical project cost), timelines, submitting problem statements, project selection, project panels, and following the research as it progresses. 

Stephan A. Parker  |  Video Recording

CRC Funding Program Webinar: State DOT Funding Programs - September 2014:

This 60-minute webinar provided Committee Research Coordinators (CRC) and others with information about state DOT funding programs.

Cynthia Gerst | Linda Taylor | Georgene Geary | Question and Answer

CRC Funding Program Webinar: Ideas Deserving Exploratory Analysis (IDEA) - June 2014:

This 60-minute webinar provided CRCs and others with information about the TRB Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis Program (IDEA).

Jon Williams | Video recording | Question and Answer

CRC Funding Program Webinar: USDOT Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) - March 2014:

This 60-minute webinar provided CRCs and others with information about the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).

PPT | Question & Answer

CRC Funding Program Webinar: Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) - October 2013:

This 60-minute webinar provided CRCs and others with information about the TRB Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP).

Michael Salamone | Video recording

CRC Funding Program Webinar: National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) - July 2013:

This 60-minute webinar provided CRCs and others with information about the TRB National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP).

Nanda Srinivasan | Question & Answer

CRC 101 Webinar - December  2012:

The purpose of this webinar was to describe tools, resources, and success stories intended to assist the CRCs. A brief history of the Back-to-Basics initiative was also given. This webinar was for new CRCs and Committee Chairs or for those who needed a refresher and helped new CRCs prepare for the CRC workshop at the TRB Annual Meeting in January 2013.

PPT |Video recording

CRC Back to Basics Webinar - June 2012:

This webinar was held for CRCs and committee chairs interested in naming CRCs for committees. Guidance and tools for CRCs were presented, including research needs statement database enhancements, strategies for quality, committee collaboration, CRC–committee successful practices, and more.