Communications Plan Template

Why a Committee Communications Plan?

While the role of a Committee Communication Coordinator may vary from one TRB Standing Committee to another, one of the most important responsibilities is maintaining the Committee's portfolio of communications options.  

A properly prepared and well thought out Communications Plan will enhance the Committee's communications.  It ensures communications is timely and regular, relevant to the specific committee (e.g., Committee scope, purpose, objectives, research initiatives, activities, and schedules, announce new research and finished products) and keeps members, friends and others apprised on how they can volunteer and engage in committee activities.  It also assigns leads for critical communications-related responsibilities.

A best practice for developing a committee communication portfolio is to follow the communications planning process.  The tools below should help you get started. Let us know if you have questions or need more information.

Communications Plan Template (for download)

Best Practice Communications Plan for TRB Standing Committee on Public Engagement and Communications