Working Papers

Persecution and Migrant Self-Selection: Evidence from the Collapse of the Communist Bloc (with Ran Abramitzky and Isabelle Sin)

Conditionally Accepted, Review of Economics & Statistics. [Slides] [NBER Working Paper]

Valuing the Time of the Self-Employed (with Daniel Agness, Sylvain Chassang, Pascaline Dupas, and Erik Snowberg)

Conditionally Accepted, Review of Economic Studies. [Slides] [NBER Working Paper] [AEA RCT Registry]

Coverage: Development Impact

Can Redistribution Change Policy Views? Aid and Attitudes Toward Refugees (with Thomas Ginn, Robert Hakiza, Helidah Ogude-Chambert, and Olivia Woldemikael)

Reject and Resubmit, Journal of Political Economy. [Slides] [AEA RCT Registry] [Full Pre-Specified Results]

Coverage: VoxDev

Social Welfare Portability and Migration: Evidence from India’s Public Distribution System (with Ambar Narayan, Odyssia Ng, and Sutirtha Sinha Roy)

Revise and Resubmit, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. [WB Policy Working Paper] [AEA RCT Registry]

Migration Spillovers Within Families: Evidence from Thailand

Revise and Resubmit, Review of Economic Dynamics.

Disastrous Displacement: The Long-Run Impacts of Landslides (with Jakob Hennig)

[Slides] [WB Policy Working Paper]


Hidden Income and the Perceived Returns to Migration, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, October 2023.

[Working Paper] [Slides] [AEA RCT Registry]

Coverage: The Economist

Selected Work in Progress

The Role of Information and Networks in Migration (with Zachary Barnett-Howell and Thomas Ginn)

Interventions and data collection complete.

[AEA RCT Registry]

Mentoring Small Businesses: Evidence from Uganda (with Thomas Ginn, Ibrahim Kasirye, Belinda Muya, and Andrew Zeitlin)

Interventions complete. Data collection ongoing.

[AEA RCT Registry]

Direct and Spillover Impacts of Graduation Programs (with Raphaela Karlen and Odyssia Ng)

Interventions and data collection ongoing.