Travel & Tourism World Record
What are the challenges and constraint to Job Provider in Travel & Tourism Industry?
According to Guidelines issued by Travel & Tourism News, After Covid 19, Travel & Tourism Industry is facing shortage of tourists and cash revenue. Owners of Hotels and Resorts are in their challenging phase as never before. There is tough competition too in Travel & Tourism Industry to secure high margins over profit. Banks have increased rate of interests on Term deposits to record new high level. Similarly Gold Price and Petrol Price have reached at their Top level after Russia- Ukrain Conflict. Beside this usual frauds in hotels by customers are non stop events in hospitality sector, see Leela Hotel Fraud Case by Islam. These challenges in Hotel and Resort industry downgrade quality, service standards and profit margins. These are causing factors affecting service conditions, salary, facilities to employees, salary hike, incentives, commissions to staff in Travel & Tourism Industry. for Travel & Tourism News
What Owners in Travel & Tourism Industry Looking for?
Owners in Travel & Tourism Industry are looking for such candidates to hire, who are champion in Travel & Tourism Industry and who hold record of success. Despite of constrains in Travel & Tourism Industry, applicant job seeker must have the ability to increase profit and revenue. What does Hotel Sales Manager Job involve?
How can applicants seek high salaried Jobs?
Applicants must have to demonstrate their skills, capabilities to transform Travel & Tourism Industry. Answer following questions and Apply for World Record in Travel & Tourism if you can prove your capability to your dream employer-
How will You deliver better customer service?
How can you increase revenue of employer in Travel and Tourism?
What new policy would you like to recommend to increase customers, sales, revenue, and profit?
How can you minimize frauds, stealing and damage in hotel property and payments?
Anything you would like to recommend?
The Procedure for applying in World Record in Travel & Tourism
1. Name of Program: Application for World Record in Travel & Tourism
2. Name of Applicant: ?
3. Photograph: ?
4. Autobiography / CV (Resume) along with your achievements, contributions and experience: ?
Fill Up above application format and Email at
for applying in World Championship. Instantly within 24 hours you will receive acknowledgement and rigorous review will be started, shortly you will be informed on outcome with certificate. Applications can be submitted directly, nominations can also be submitted at
We will automatically contact you upon selection. The profile of winners is broadcasted online along with photograph.
This Global program recommends international organizations, Owners in Travel & Tourism Industry, Hotels, resorts in identification, selection, recruitment, promotion and retention of World’s Most Influential Managers, Chef and staff.
What is Procedure to Apply World Championship in Travel and Tourism?
Here is the The Procedure for Applying in World Championship in travel and tourism.
Do you have ability in accordance with the established hotel standards and values?
Can you Resolve customer complaints
How will you Improve hotel rating?
Can you Hire, train, develop, measure performance, discipline and scheduled department staff?
Can you Promote the Hotel / Resort?
Can you promote its services, and facilities while maximizing occupancy and ADR?
Can you Process daily reports, reconciliations, journals?
Can you Handle guest complaints?
What are your Key achievements?
How will you Exceed guest satisfaction scores in critical areas?
How will you Improve customer service scores?
How will you exceeded annual sales with record?
Do you have educational background of MBA, Sales, Marketing?
How can you prove your following skills with examples - Analytical skills, Communication, Conflict resolution, Hotel operations, Multitasking, New business development, Prioritizing, Problem-solving, Project management, Time management
Do you know any foreign Languages e.g. Spanish, French, Chinese etc. ?
Submit your response to avail Certification in Hospitality Management
It will make you competent for-
We are manufacturing company for disposable single-use personal care items, how can we connect with hotels for sale of our disposable amenities?
You should register as Manufacturers with us, your services will be listed.
We are manufacturing company for room freshener, how can we connect with hotels for sale of our room freshener?
You should register as Manufacturers with us, your services will be listed here for buyers.
We process online payments for local and foreign tourists through our financial website, financial software and financial apps for hotels, tourists, Restaurants, Travel & Tourism industry, how can we list our financial services with you for wide coverage?
You should register as Manufacturers with us, your services will be listed here for buyers.
What is procedure to Apply for Honorary D Litt for writing Tourism & Travel blogs?
You can apply for Honorary D Litt for your contributions in literature.
I want to list my my Travel App for Tourists, how to display here?
You should list yourself as Manufacture / Supplier accordingly on bottom of this web page and submit details at Email:
How to Apply for Honorary DSc for Tourism site developers?
Honorary DSc is awarded to respected people who have achieved significant achievements in Science.
How can Engineers & architects apply for Honorary D.Eng.?
Apply here- Honorary D.Eng. Doctrin De Engineering in several branches of Engineering. You can also list your professional services here for Hotel construction projects, hospital construction projects, shopping mall construction projects, road & bridge construction projects
I am a Hotel owner from tourism industry, how can I apply for Honorary Doctrin de Education for my tourism services to tourists?
Apply for Honorary Doctrin de Education along with full details of your social contributions.
What is procedure to apply in Apply for Honorary Theology D for religious travelling and religious tours?
Here are guidelines for Apply for Honorary Theology D
I am tourism consultant / travel advisor, how to apply for Honorary Doctrin de Education?
You should supply your detailed resume to Honorary Doctrin de Education program.
Can civil Lawyers and criminal lawyers Apply for Honorary LLD for travel disputes and trading in tourism?
Yes, Lawyers in all practice area can Apply for Honorary LLD
How can Doctors Apply for Honorary Dr. Med. for their services to tourists and travellers?
Apply for Honorary Dr. Med. for your clinical services.
I am language translator and tourist guide, providing social service in travel and tourism industry, Where to Apply for Honorary PhD based upon my contributions for tourists?
Here you can Apply for Honorary PhD based upon your research, professional work and social contributions.
I am Manager in Hotel and tourist operator, how to apply for Honorary Doctrin De Business Administration Award (DBA)?
Click to apply for Honorary Doctrin De Business Administration Award (DBA)
What are career opportunities for hotel interior designers in Fine Arts?
Artists, interior designers, musicians, movie directors, painter, dancers and artists performers in hotel, resort should apply for Doctrin de Fine Arts (Honoris Causa)
I am tourist how to Apply for Honorary Doctrin De Arts (D. Arts)?
Apply for Honorary Doctrin De Arts (D. Arts) along with your contribution in Arts.
How teachers, professors from travel and tourism management institutes can Apply for EdD / Honorary Doctrin de Education?
Teachers, Professors, professionals, students, management consultants, HR Managers can Apply for EdD / Honorary Doctrin de Education
Is there a program for encouraging Young Scientist in travel and tourism management?
Young Scientist should apply with this link- Application Form for Young Scientist Award
How can I set World Record for my contributions in travel and tourism?
Click on link -Application for World Record
How to apply for Gold Medal Award for my contributions in travel and tourism?
Gold Medal Award is given for leading achievements which creates a standard in services. Here is the link for Gold Medal Award.
Here is the The Procedure for Applying in World Championship in travel and tourism.
How can I apply for Post Doctoral Program after doctoral research work for my professional services in travel and tourism?
Here you can apply for Post Doctoral Program.
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