Helping prospective Graduate STudents in social and cognitive sciences Affected by the us Travel Ban

A group of social science scholars have formed a committee to help students from the travel banned countries in the graduate school admissions process. Specifically, our goal is to connect prospective students to potential advisors, review the submission materials, and help pay for the graduate school application fees for a limited number of applicants.

Given our limited funding, we can only provide this support to three prospective students. In order to qualify for the assistantship, students need to fill out the online application form in the application aid tab of this website. All the applications will be reviewed by October 31st. Our top three nominees will work directly with a group of faculty, postdocs and senior graduate students in the graduate school application, and decision making stages.

It should be noted that we support applicants that apply to departments of psychology, brain and cognitive sciences, linguistics, philosophy, sociology, and economics/business. Unfortunately, we cannot provide aid for applications to computer science, unless it is for computational social sciences.

We would like to thank the Cognitive Science Society for their kind and generous support of our mission.