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Why travel at all? "The World is a Book. He who never travels sees only one side of it. There he is right, the old Augustine. Travel opens horizons. But not only that. Here are 8 reasons why traveling makes you really happy.

1. As You Travel, You Create Memories That Stay.

A wise old woman once said:

"Now, at the end of my life, I'm not just thinking about my family and my loved ones. I think of all the places I have seen, the people I met while traveling, the adventures I have experienced. If I can give advice to young people, then travel! "

"Travel often; getting lost will help you find yourself. "

" Travel often; Losing oneself and getting lost helps to find oneself. "

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2. You Get Your Head Free

Everyday life can make you quite exhausted. You're in deep, in the jungle of duties. And out of sheer stress, you can not see the forest for the trees.

The geographical distance to everyday stress alone lets you breathe easy. You see things from afar - in the truest sense of the word. Problems resolve themselves. Especially when you are facing an important decision , a journey can work wonders.

Another Reason To Travel : The variety will do your body good!

3. Travel Is Healthy

Often you do not notice while traveling how your batteries are charging. Only when you arrive back home, you realize how much energy you have again. How relaxed you are. How easy it is for you to do things that you previously had your problems with. How happy the journey has made you.

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Travel is also said to help lower heart attack risk, help with depression, and increase brain function, according to recent studies . So maybe before the next big university exam, just take off and enjoy the benefits of travel.

4. Travel Is An Idea Booster

And seducing travel into creativity has even been scientifically proven: in the University of Louisiana, an experiment was carried out in which the test subjects had to list which means of transport they could think of.

  • One half was told that the experiment was developed by local students, the other half assumed that students from Greece had come up with the question. This second group was able to enumerate significantly more means of transport than the first.
  • The mere idea of ​​being in another place can be conducive to creativity and boost "out of the box" thinking.
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5. Travel Makes You More Open

Single travelers, in particular, easily come into contact with others who are also traveling alone. You can connect quickly, topics to talk even faster:

  • Where do you come from, how long are you on the road, fancy a drink?
  • Often there are friendships that are preserved beyond the holidays. And it's not only nice, but also handy to have friends all over the world, so you're guaranteed a place to sleep if you happen to be in Barcelona, ​​Ohio or Sydney.

6. You Are Growing Beyond Yourself

  • If the bus you've been waiting for for two hours just does not want to come or you pimp your boat ride, then improvise. Inquiring, reorganizing, checking alternatives.
  • When traveling, you are constantly confronted with unexpected situations that you must and will master.
  • That's good for your self-confidence! And being self-confident is the key to personal happiness.
  • Why travel? Travel makes you happy!

7. You Determine What Is Really Important To You

If it has been raining for days, annoys your travel companion or you have not tolerated the dinner again, you probably only want one thing: home!

Now and then homesickness will knock. This has not only disadvantages, because in these very moments you think of "home" - to your friends, family, your apartment, your dog or hamster. You realize what your heart is attached to.

8. It's Nice To Come Home

A little sadness is normal when you come home. But seeing friends and family again is so great that sadness quickly disappears.

Sleep again in your own bed, eat mum's apple pie, hang out with friends - and the next trip is sure to come!