Trash and Floors:

Microscopic Exploration of Prehistoric Daily Life

4 to 5 May 2024

Durham University, Department of Archaeology

Dawson Building, room D133 

This workshop focuses on prehistoric contexts using soil micromorphology and phytolith analysis to investigate daily life and production. We will look at prehistoric house floors and pits through the lens of micromorphology and phytolith analysis to shed light on daily activities in ancient societies.

The workshop comprises keynote presentations and microscope sessions. Participants are encouraged to bring their relevant thin sections to the microscope sessions.

Keynote talks:

04/05/2024: Wendy Matthews: Examining the footprint of daily life: High-resolution insights into sustainability. 

05/05/2024: Lisa-Marie Shillito: Revealing daily activities through rubbish: micromorphology as a linking tool to refine interpretations and reduce equifinality.


Day 1:


09:00 Welcome

09:05 Keynote presentation by Wendy Matthews (Reading University)

10:20 Coffee/tea break

10:30 Individual and thin section introductions

11:00 Microscope session

12:30 Lunch break

13:30 Microscope session

15:15 Coffee/tea break

15:30 Microscope session

16:30 Closing

17:30 Dinner

Day 2:

09:00 Keynote presentation by Lisa-Marie Shillito (Newcastle University)

10:15 Coffee/tea break

10:30 Microscope session

12:30 Lunch break

13:30 Microscope session

15:30 Closing

Further guidelines:

Participation fee: No fee

Arriving at Durham University (South Rd, Durham DH1 3LE): After arriving at Durham Train Station, you can walk to the Durham Bus Station (at North Rd) within 5 minutes. From there, buses 56, 58, 6 Sapphire, or X12 MAX will take you to the New Inn - Church Street stop, which is near Lower Mountjoy of Durham University (the main campus). A short 4-minutes walk from there will lead you to the Dawson Building. Alternatively, you may enjoy a 30-minutes walk from Durham Train Station to the Dawson Building.

Access to Dawson Building: Please note that access to the Dawson Building on weekends requires an entry code. We'll be at the front door from 8:30 to 9:00 to assist you. If you arrive late, please do contact us (see 2nd circular for contact details).


For any questions please contact the organisers Siyu Lin ( and Felicitas Ruschel (