
About our club callsign


This call sign was originally issued to Alva Clark of Tarboro, NC. Alva played a very active, helpful and community servant as an Amateur Radio Operator

From 1934 to 1992. In remembrance of Alva, the Tar River Amateur Radio Club applied for his call sign for the Club's call sign. Being a member of our

Club, his call sign will be a constant reminder of his contributions to the hobby and our community.

The Federal Communications Commission issued W4DCG to the Tar River Amateur Radio Club on December 17th 1996. Alva Clark of Tarboro, NC held this

call sign for many years. Mrs. Margie Clark, his wife, gave the Tar River Amateur Radio Club permission to apply for Alva's original call sign, W4DCG, for the Club call sign.

Alva was born March 15, 1911 in Lee County South Carolina. While Alva's father was pastoring a church in Linden, NC, Alva went to Campbell College then

on to a radio school to get his commercial license. He went to New Orleans to take his commercial and amateur radio exams. Alva was issued his amateur

radio license and call sign, W4DCG, on August 15, 1934. Shortly afterwards, he went to work for Marrow Pitt Radio & TV (Marrow Pitt Hardware) in

Tarboro until Alva retired in 1984. Alva did serve his country during this time and married Margie in 1943 in Florida. Margie and Alva had a daughter,

Ellen, in 1956.

Alva had three hobbies: fishing, backyard gardening and Amateur Radio. He will be remembered for his help and inspiration to the younger hams and

non-hams. Often he could heard operating during the day on 75 meters from a station he set up in the back of the Marrow Pitt store in downtown
