Transparent Surprise an Open Book to a Clearer Vision for our City

BREAKING NEWS: The city council agenda August 6, 2024 includes voting in 12 new commission appointments--11 of them to 5-year terms, which all had multiple applicants seen in the meeting minutes. Some of the commission appointment recommendations seem unusual and less than transparent in nature--furthermore, they are coming from 2/3 of a committee that is leaving office at the end of 2024 (less than 5 months right now).  None of their meetings have been public hearings, so we are doing our own research into the appointments that are on the agenda, to be sure the candidates are eligible and have demonstrated trusted qualities to be recommended by the Boards and Commissions Nomination Committee, chaired by Aly Cline.

A live analysis that you can comment on is posted here:

  Surprise Commission Appointments August 6, 2024

Detailed Analysis

MORE BREAKING NEWS: The city council working meeting agenda August 6, 2024 includes changes to the Council Policies and Procedures manual that raise the following concerns: 

These were recommended by the City Attorney Robert Wingo to the Rules Committee (Nick Haney & Ken Remley).

A live analysis that you can comment on is posted here:

  Surprise Changes to Council Policies and Procedures Manual - 4 p.m. Working Session - Aug. 6, 2024

Detailed Analysis

 Over the past several years, the citizens of Surprise, Arizona have been awakening and understanding that we've been too complacent in our paltry participation and stoic selection of the leadership we expect to shape our future as a city. A city that humbly began as a beautiful array of neighboring farmlands that transformed quickly in the early 2000s into our inspiriting suburban bedroom community. As our city grows and faces increasing challenges, we have seen some troubling trends around us: a stark increase in special interests funding of campaigns; special interests paying high-powered lawyers to not only challenge but even threaten our elected officials on votes taken; unsustainable infrastructure (schools, roads, first responders) for the rapid growth we've experienced. Unfortunately we are left wanting for a clear vision for our city, and an effective plan to build this locality into the prosperous community our next generation needs.

"Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes." - Carl Jung

SWOT Analysis 

Our Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats

General Plan 2040 - Analysis

Link to General Plan 2040 Analysis

Link to: General Plan 2040 

On the July 30th, 2024 ballot

Sales Tax Increase - Analysis

Sales Tax Increase

Council will Vote on June 4th, 2024

Voting Record -

City of Surprise Voting Record

Visit Surprise.Watch

A few Surprise Community Resources: (Shared in a live HOA training session in early 2024)

We hope you can join into the discussion by submitting your comments while visiting the documents shown above.