Prior to development of transmission-remote, the standalone client transmission-cli was created. Limited to a single torrent at a time, transmission-cli is deprecated and exists primarily to support older hardware dependent upon it. In almost all instances, transmission-remote should be used instead.

So which is it? Is transmission-remote deprecated, or not? And what is it's relation to transmission-cli? In addition, looking on the web I find a transmission-remote-cli in 16.04, though it's not in the 20.04 repos.

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Edit: To put it simply, I'd like to get clear if the transmission-remote that the transmission project github page says replaced transmission-cli is the same as the transmission-remote in the Ubuntu 20.04 package named transmission-cli.

transmission-cli is a very simple CLI utility with no TUI/Ncurses interface. It's for entering single commands that interact with the Transmission Daemon. This should be suitable for scripting purposes, but the package is deprecated.

Note that transmission-remote-cli is a separate project. The transmission README is talking about transmission-remote (source file utils/remote.c) from the same repo, which is indeed present in Ubuntu 20.04 (and other current versions).

Though, I cant seem to figure out any way to access it remotely with a client app (running on phone or desktop). If anyone has been successful, I would appreciate any guidance on how they setup their client.

I submitted a merge request to enable remote access with transmission. The essential problem is that GUIs expect to use simple HTTP Basic authentication where FreedomBox has implemented more complex single sign-on. The merge request will setup Basic authentication on a slightly different URL /transmission-remote/rpc.

Looks like web server on your FreedomBox has returned a 301 redirect to another location when contacting the URL :443/transmission-remote/rpc. This should not have happened. If you done some experimentation with Apache configuration removing it might help. To check that all the configuration on the server side working, run the following test:

Open :443/transmission-remote/web using a web browser. It should open a username/password dialog. Enter FreedomBox credentials (admin account or account with bit-torrent group). You should see Transmission web UI and it should work as expected. If this part does not work, something wrong with web server configuration.

It just hit me that my-transmission-remote.conf was enabled while the transmission-plinth.conf was also active. I went to @sunil 's very recent commit (to be merged) and copied his apache configuration for the transmission-plinth.conf, disable my new my-transmission-remote.conf and presto! All is in order now.

Yet again I spoke too soon. As soon as you stop and restart transmission your customised config file is replaced along with the password. Getting close to sending this NAS back and shelling out the extra for one that lets you have some form of actual control.

For anyone else interested in having password protection for third-party apps I have created another idea suggestion, please upvote if you want to see this implemented - -Product-Ideas/Ability-to-set-passwords-on-amule-and-transmission-and-any-other/idi-p/862661 .

I'm running torrents on the home server, and I talk to home server via the transmission-remote utility. I'd like to retrieve the magnet link for one of my torrents, however this seems to be impossible, as the transmission-remote -t[torrent-id] -i doesn't give me the link, and the manual also says nothing. Is there any way to get a magnet link?

I have stopped the transmission-daemon service, edited the /etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json file and changed "rpc-authentication-required": true info false, restarted the service. But I keep getting the Unauthorized User error.

The transmission remote GUI manual is fairly comprehensive for Windows shares, but it's not wholly clear on Mac. My server is a NUC with Ubuntu Server installed, which has 4 disks connected in a RAID. The computer where I have Transmission Remote installed is a Mac.

If you wish to use the web server, besides installing the package (see above), you might need to whitelist your IP address (if it is not in via option rpc_whitelist ',192.168.1.*,your_ip_address' in the transmission configuration. By default, the server listens on port 9091. ie.

For the greater picture, are you on the same local network as the Pi? Do you need remote command line access for adding torrents, or could you just use a simple browser ( :9091 ) or Transmission Remote GUI? Please explain a little.

I have a a config.cfg file at ./etc/transmission-daemon/ containing password, username, port (9091), host (localhost) and path (/transmission/rpc). I access the Pi on the local network without authentication. I generally use the browser at IpAddress:9091 but am looking to use the command line for different reasons.

And here's how my volumes are set up as seen by WinSCP. Not using X-Raid. Two hard drives, each their own volume. I've got my shares on the WD_Blue_6TB volume. I'm trying to save into WD_6TB_Blue/Media/Downloads. As you can see above, it's weird that I'm able to start torrents to this folder just fine, but only when I do it from the web remote, but not the Remote GUI app.

Yeah - I can get there just fine with WinSCP. That's the default Downloads folder, but not the one I'm hoping to hit. If I try that full path from the remote GUI it doesn't work either. Aside from trying to hit a non-default Downloads folder, everything else is standard install.

transmission-daemon is the main torrent client, and as the name suggests, it runs in the background. transmission-cli is a collection of command line utilities for creating, analyzing and downloading torrents.

By default, the /etc settings file instructs the transmission-daemon service to run authenticated. Some old forum discussions suggest that the default is transmission/transmission. You can go to the settings file in /etc and enter your own password as a string. Once the service is restarted, the password will be overwritten as a hash in the file and you should be able to use it.

Following are some common actions you may want to carry out. If you are running the daemon on a different host and/or port, you can pass those in before the options. See the syntax at the top of transmission-remote --help.

Hopefully this post gave you a decent overview of Transmission to help you get started with the daemon and the remote CLI, and with the authentication and run-as-service options available. If I missed something crucial or if you are stuck with any setup step, let me know in the comments!

As mentioned earlier, you can start transmission daemon at startup. However, I like to enable it manually. Therefore, I have added keyboard shortcuts especially for few of these options. Here are my settings.

There are many good torrent clients, that give good remote and local options. Besides transmission-remote, I also use qbittorrent. I particularly like its sequential download option. You should definitely check qbittorrent too. In this tutorial, I hope I have given you enough contents to get started with transmission remote.

Remote data transmission (RDT) was a term used in the 1980s, primarily in Germany, for the transmission of data between computers over a medium using a communications protocol. At the time, the most widespread form was RDT over the telephone network.Other transmission media like radio waves or light were also used. Most RDT now uses the Internet.

In the beginning, electronic remote data transmission was also accomplished through special adapters on special data or telex lines, teleprinter, serial ports, and analog telephone] or over simple radio connections.

Transmission Remote Gtk allows you to remotely manage the Transmission BitTorrent client using its RPC interface. You can use it to to manage torrents (start/stop/verify/reannounce/remove/remove and delete), add new ones (it works as a .torrent fle handler from a webbrowser), and configure settings on transmission-daemon.

This release adds some behind-the-scenes functionality as well as some small, user-facing bug fixes. The most prominent change is a new backend for interfacing with transmission-daemon that should be more robust and have less bugs.

By default, transmission creates a user and a group transmission, with its home files at /var/lib/transmission/, and runs as this "user". This is a security precaution, so transmission, and its downloads, have no access to files outside of /var/lib/transmission/. Configuration, operation, and access to downloads needs to be done with "root" privileges (e.g. by using sudo).

A recommendation for those running under username transmission is to create a shared download directory with the correct permissions to allow access to both the transmission user and system users, and then to update the configuration file accordingly. For example:

Now /mnt/data/torrents will be accessible for the system user facade and for the transmission group to which the transmission user belongs. Making the target directory world read/writable is highly discouraged (i.e. do not chmod the directory to 777). Instead, give individual users/groups appropriate permissions to the appropriate directories.

An alternative is to add your user to the transmission group (#usermod -a -G transmission yourusername) and then modify the permissions on the /var/lib/transmission and /var/lib/transmission/Downloads directories to allow rwx access by members of the transmission group.

If you want to Automatically add .torrent files from a folder, but you find that the watch-dir and watch-dir-enabled options set in the configuration file do not work, you can start the transmission daemon with the flag -c /path/to/watch/dir.

Once Transmission is installed, you can easily set up the web interface. All you need to do is click the edit menu and select preferences. Click the Remote tab and enable Allow remote access. ff782bc1db

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