Welcome Year 6 to the online

 -Transition Hub -

Challney High School for Boys

 "High achievement and access for all are our shared responsibilities."

Our vision is to continue to be recognised as an outstanding school that demonstrates excellence in the academic achievements of our students through:

School Tour

Explore the school digitally..


Find out what life is like at Challney Boys


Take a look at our outstanding curriculum..

Senior Leadership Team

Student Leadership Team

Welcome to Challney

The reasons boys achieve at this school are many, but particularly because we encourage:

- House System -

Mr C. May

Value: Determination

Mr Y. Rahman

Value: Unity

Mr H. Habib

Value: Innovation

Mr J. Walker

Value: Excellence

We can't wait to welcome you all in person!

Feel free to contact us using any of our communication channels

Stoneygate Road, Luton. Bedfordshire   LU4 9TJ           01582 599921      admin@challneyboys.co.uk