The story is narrated entirely in the past tense, giving the readers the impression that the narrator is recounting her experience, remembering all the incidents that brought her to the present. The title is apt, for this story follows the narrator through defining moments in her life. Whether they built her confidence or broke it, we can see that each memory she recalls had an effect on her and built her to where she is today. We may even wonder if this is borne from the experiences of Mhlophe herself, because of the authenticity and relatability with which the words are written.

2. I would agree. Just as a person can go through a change when giving birth the narrator goes through three transforming moments or moments of change in the story. Firstly she meets her first boyfriend, secondly she joins the choir and finally she becomes a praise poet.

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2. Transforming moment for Martin Luther: a capsule summary of Paul's message to the Romans changed Martin Luther forever. After he finally understood the phrase "righteousness from God," Luther said, "I felt myself to be reborn and to have gone through open doors into paradise. The whole of Scripture took on a new meaning . . . . This passage of Paul became to me a gateway to heaven."

4. At my own Ordination was a transforming Moment Bishop said these words Oh what a Privilege to Hear these words: Pour out your Holy Spirit upon Gerald Send him now to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. to announce the reign of God, and to equip the church for ministry, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

EigenMoments[1] is a set of orthogonal, noise robust, invariant to rotation, scaling and translation and distribution sensitive moments. Their application can be found in signal processing and computer vision as descriptors of the signal or image. The descriptors can later be used for classification purposes.

One way of maximizing Rayleigh quotient is through solving the Generalized Eigen Problem. Dimension reduction can be performed by simply choosing the first components w i {\displaystyle w_{i}} , i = 1 , . . . , k {\displaystyle i=1,...,k} , with the highest values for R ( w ) {\displaystyle R(w)} out of the m {\displaystyle m} components, and discard the rest. Interpretation of this transformation is rotating and scaling the moment space, transforming it into a feature space with maximized SNR and therefore, the first k {\displaystyle k} components are the components with highest k {\displaystyle k} SNR values.

--> Summary of The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace Summary ofThe Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peaceby John Paul LederachSummary written by Michelle Maiese, Conflict Research Consortium Note: We also have a shorter review and another summary that is quite different in focus. Citation: Lederach, John Paul. The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace. Oxford, MA: Oxford University Press, 2005.IntroductionLederach describes the "moral imagination" as the capacity to recognize turning points and possibilities in order to venture down unknown paths and create what does not yet exist. In reference to peacebuilding, the moral imagination is the capacity to imagine and generate constructive processes that are rooted in the day-to-day challenges of violence and yet transcend these destructive patterns. In Lederach's view, the moments of possibility that pave the way for constructive change processes do not emerge through the rote application of a set of techniques or strategies, but rather arise out of something that approximates an artistic process. Lederach maintains that the art and soul of social change should inform peacebuilding efforts. Lederach's methodology and writing style throughout this book reflect his emphasis on art and imagination. His inquiry is not linear or strictly analytical, and he repeatedly appeals to imagery, metaphors, and stories to spark readers' imagination. Themes investigated include the nature of relationships, webs, social change, violence, creativity, serendipity, and complexity, among others.

Transformative moments in peacebuilding often resemble moments of aesthetic imagination in which something intellectually and emotionally complex is captured in an "ah-ha" moment. Valuable insight surfaces in the form of an image or in a way of describing things that resonates with the parties. These intuitive moments synthesize the complexities of conflict and the challenges of addressing deep human dilemmas. Listening becomes a matter of attending to what things truly mean and finding connections and essences. Metaphor can be understood as a creative act that reveals the essence of conflict, the underlying problems, and ways forward. An appeal to metaphors and images can help parties to get at the core of a complex problem and imagine possibilities for social change. Once we see social change as an art form, it becomes clear that building adaptive peacebuilding processes requires creativity, constant innovation, and flexibility. The value of moral imagination lies in the ability to get to the heart and soul of the matter and thereby move from cycles of violence to new relationships.

The serendipitous appearance of the moral imagination in human affairs is what makes profound social shifts possible. Thus, the question of how to harness and apply moral imagination is difficult to answer. Constructive social change is often more about what accompanies and surrounds the peacebuilding journey than what was originally planned and pursued. Serendipity consists in moving with the energetic flow of the unexpected and being open to the possibility of gaining insight and understanding from unplanned occurrences. To see such potential requires a sort of peripheral vision and an ability to watch carefully for opportunities for social change in both good and difficult times. Serendipitous openings can lead to new relationships, breakthroughs, and even negotiations. Lederach points out that deep-seated patterns of violence are not controlled and overcome by acts of further violence, but rather by changing the environment that generates that pattern of violence. Serendipity is all about our capacity to innovate, imagine alternatives, and adapt to changing circumstances while keeping in mind our goals. The three capacities that facilitate the discovery of serendipitous moments are acquiring and building a capacity for peripheral vision, developing creative learning disciplines, and sustaining platforms that are smart flexible.

The approach Ledearch has presented suggests that peacebuilders should think of themselves as artists engaged in a vocation to nurture constructive social change. Some of their main "tools" would be serendipitous moments, intuition, innovation, and creativity.

What happens if we treat the analyzed non-linear function as a locally linear or locally polynomial and use it to analyze the transformed moments from the direct statistical moment definitions? We end up with neat, analytical formulas of the new transformed statistical moment values!

Violence does not happen in a vacuum and TJ works to connect incidences of violence to the conditions that create and perpetuate them. It acknowledges that we must work to end conditions such as capitalism, poverty, trauma, isolation, heterosexism, cis-sexism, white supremacy, misogyny, ableism, mass incarceration, displacement, war, gender oppression and xenophobia if we are truly going to end cycles of intimate and sexual violence. TJ recognizes that we must transform the conditions which help to create acts of violence or make them possible. Often this includes transforming harmful oppressive dynamics, our relationships to each other, and our communities at large.

The results that i have thus far are as followed. I thought i had to include both the log transformed as well as the back transformed results for confidence interval, SE and estimates. However, as i back transform the results by 10^(original result) the relation between my CI and SE are way off. Before back transforming, they are normal?

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"Black History is about monumental moments and movements that serve as catalysts for change. Today, with the signing of HB 3653, it is both," said Lieutenant Governor Juliana Stratton. "I have a tremendous amount of gratitude for Governor Pritzker and members of the Illinois Black Caucus. They used their seats of power to effectuate change that will alter the trajectory of lives, families, and entire communities for generations to come."

When considering how to increase time together, individuals often reference two kinds of time: quantity of time and quality of time. While quantity of time refers to the total amount of time spent together, quality time refers to giving someone his/her undivided attention (Chapman, 2004). This generally implies doing something together rather than just sitting in the same room doing individual activities (e.g., browsing the Internet or reading a book). The following ideas are suggested ways to maximize time with loved ones through transforming moments together into quality time.

While there never seems to be enough time for everything, regardless of the amount of time couples and families find to spend together, utilizing some of these techniques can help individuals ensure they are making the moments count by creating quality time together.

Forward dynamics approach to studying human movement. This flowchart depicts the neural command and forces for three muscles and the moments and joint angles for a two-joint system. As seen here, the three main steps require models of muscle activation dynamics, muscle contraction dynamics, and musculoskeletal geometry.

Flowchart of the modeling procedure. EMG is processed to obtain muscle activation while the position data is used to obtain musculoskeletal lengths, velocities, and moment arms. Together these are put into a Hill-type model to estimate musculotendon forces, and these in turn are multiplied by their moment arms and summed to obtain joint moment. This estimated moment is compared with the measured moment. In the optimization process, parameters in the model are adjusted to minimize the difference between measured and predicted joint moments. Once the parameters are tuned, the optimization part of the model is removed and it can now be used to predict joint moments for novel tasks. e24fc04721

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