You now have a dashboard with one report panel. To add more report panels, you can either run new searches and save them to this dashboard, or you can add saved reports to this dashboard. You will add more panels to this dashboard in the next section.

The input controls that you add to a dashboard are independent from the dashboard panels. If you want the chart on the panel to refresh when you change the time range, you need to connect the dashboard panel to the Time range picker input control.

Splunk Download Dashboard


After you create a search visualization or save a report, you can add it to a new or existing dashboard. There is also a Dashboard Editor that you can use to create and edit dashboards. The Dashboard Editor is useful when you have a set of saved reports that you want to quickly add to a dashboard.

If your Splunk user role is admin (with the default set of capabilities), then you can create dashboards that are private, visible in a specific app, or visible in all apps. You can also provide access to other Splunk user roles, such as user, admin, and other roles with specific capabilities.

You can edit the panels in a dashboard by editing the XML configuration for the dashboard. This provides access to features not available from the Dashboard Editor. For example, you can edit the XML configuration to change the name of dashboard, or you can specify a custom number of rows in a table.

Hi @mykol_j - I just tested this on a 9.0.1 instance, and the Learn More link worked for me. Would you be willing to test it again, and let me know if the Learn More link still is broken? Can you also confirm that it leads you to the main website? Thanks for raising the issue!

As an example, if the log file source contains the text "External", I would like to create a new field called "zone" with the value "Zone-External". I can achieve this via splunk search using the rex and eval commands, like the following:

I have a dashboard and i want to make that dashboard as an app so that i can push it to other search heads . But my question is , how do i convert a dashboard into an app . I have the dashboard xml which i could find in /opt/splunk/etc/apps/search/default/data/ui/views file but i don't know the what are the other files need to create the app. Can anyone please explain me the steps for the creation of the app .

This is very easy; do exactly this:

Click on the splunk text/icon in the upper left.

Click on the gear icon below that to the right of the Apps text that appears.

Click on the Create app button near the top.

Fill out the stuff and choose sample_app in the Template selector.

Click the Save button.

Click on the black Settings menu on the very top (it moves around).

Select User interface.

Select Views.

Change the App setting to All.

Type your dashboard name in the search box and click the magnifying glass icon to find your dashboard KO.

Click the Move (or Clone if you have older splunk version or do not own the dashboard).

Set your app for the context (for Move it is a listbox and you click Move after selection).

Hi kteng2024,

the best way to work is to create an App before dashboards, fields and all the knowledge objects, so all of them will be in the App and it will be very easy to copy them in other systems.

If you did't do it, you could move objects in the new App, but put attention to move all knowledge objects!

When you'll sure to have all objects in your App, you could package it following the procedure described at -developapps/SP-CAAAEUC and then install it on the new servers using the web interface.

Otherwise you can copy the App folder ($SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps) in the new servers and then restart them.

A dashboard is a collection of searches that you can view all at once. You can use dashboards to get greater insight into your data. For example, if you want a dashboard of all your sales reports, you can create that by adding each report visualization to a dashboard.

Add your dashboard title, dashboard ID, description, and permissions. Then choose whether you want to use classic or dashboard studio to build your dashboard. Finally, select your panel title, and visualization type, then save your dashboard.

You are an administrator of a Splunk deployment that uses HTML dashboards that you created by converting Simple XML dashboards to HTML dashboards. You originally created them to better handle complex functionality and styling in your app.

The ability to convert Simple XML to HTML dashboards was removed in Splunk Enterprise 8.1 and Splunk Cloud Platform 8.0.2004, but you have still been using your dashboards. Recently, older versions of jQuery have been deprecated and jQuery v3.5.0 (or newer) is being used instead. This change impacts your HTML dashboards, which depend on jQuery, so you'll need to change them to keep using them.

With the release of Splunk Dashboard Studio, Splunk supports native capabilities to easily customize dashboards, without needing to convert to HTML or depend on custom development. Below is an example of a Studio dashboard.

You can check if you have any HTML dashboards by reviewing the jQuery Admin Dashboard, which you can find in the Dashboards list, in Search & Reporting app. Look for the panel at the bottom of the dashboard, which lists any HTML dashboards in your environment.

For older dashboards, the "version" tag is not present. This is causing a warning to pop up on most of our dashboards. We can edit each one, and maybe even update via an Ansible script, but is there a script that will update in bulk? I did find the dev page off this one: Solved: Why am I receiving "dashboard version is missing."... - Splunk Community, but there seems to not be a programmatic way to fix this?

I am currently trying to set up a splunk search query in a dashboard that checks a specific time interval. The job I am trying to set it up with runs three times a day. Once at 6am, once at 12:20pm, and once at 16:20(4:20pm). Currently the query just searches for the latest time and sets the background as to whether it received an error or not, but the users wanted the three times it runs per day to be displayed seperately so now I need to set up an interval of time for each of the three panels to display and I have tried a lot of things with no luck(I am new to splunk so I have been just randomly trying different syntax).

A dashboard is used to represent tables or charts which are related to some business meaning. It is done through panels. The panels in a dashboard hold the chart or summarized data in a visually appealing manner. We can add multiple panels, and hence multiple reports and charts to the same dashboard.

On clicking on Save button, the next screen gives an option to view dashboard. On choosing to view dashboard, we get the following output where we can see the dashboard and options to edit, export or delete.

Finally, we get the dashboard which contains both the charts in two different panels. As you can see in the image below, we can edit the dashboard to add more panels and you can add more input elements: Text, Radio and Dropdown buttons to create more sophisticated dashboards.

In this section, we are going to learn about How to create and manage the dashboard in our Splunk platform. Here we will learn how we can add different saved reports into our dashboard and what features we can add in our dashboard in order to see the different insights. Along with this, we will also learn how to set different privileges and charts in dashboard and its reports.

We can add it to a new or current Dashboard after we create a search visualization or save a post. Additionally, we can use a Dashboard Editor to build and edit dashboards. The Dashboard Editor is useful if we have a collection of saved reports which we want to add to a dashboard quickly.

If our Splunk user role is admin (with the default set of capabilities), we can create private dashboards, visible in a specific app, or visible in all apps. We may also give access to other Splunk user positions with different skills, such as user, admin, and other functions.

We now have a dashboard with one panel of reports. We can either run new searches and save them on this dashboard to add more report tables or add saved results to that dashboard. In the next segment, we can add more panels to the dashboard.

We can see a pop-up dialog box asking if we'd like to take a Dashboard tour. When we are taking the tour, there is an opportunity to try the dashboards ourselves at the end of the ride. This alternative provides a view of the Dashboards.

Make sure we have the Games Buttercup-Buy the dashboard. This dashboard was created and modified in this tutorial 's previous segment, Creating Dashboards and Panels. Before continuing with this section, we must build the dashboard.


I have different apps with different dashboards and alerts. The goal is to all the app's dashboards in one app which contains all the dashboards and alerts. Is there away to do that. (Note: I am not talking about packaging the apps because I know how to do that). For example, I have Apps called A, B and C with dashboards and alerts; I want all these to be in an App called ex. My_App ?

1.Change the permissions for the original Dashboard to Global.

2.Open your new app, go to Dashboards, look for the Dashboard and Clone it (Edit->Clone), it will clone into the new App.

3.If you don't want the original dashboard to be on the original App you can delete it after being cloned.

For alert .

In splunk web Go to Settings-> Searches , report , alerts then set alert permissions of the alerts that you want to copy to global.

In the Apps context menu select your apps then click on clone in the alerts row and modify his name if you want.

There should be files for each dashboard in this directory Splunk\etc\apps\My_App_Name\default\data\ui\views. So I copied the same directory of the new app ,but in my case not all of them have it and did not work with me e24fc04721

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