Transformers Online is a multiplayer online first-person shooter based where players take control of their favorite Transformer and battle against others in action-packed arena combat. It is an arena based game from prolific game developer Tencent Games with players having melee, ranged, and ultimate type attacks at their disposal. With gameplay, user interface, and controls similar to another favorite of the genre, Overwatch, players should have little difficulty stepping into the game, but there are important differences. Your Transformer can transform into a vehicle for rapid travel, for example, and character abilities are unique to Transformers Online.

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Dielectric flashover of transformer bushing and winding insulation is one of the most frequent causes of failure in power transformers. Insulation degradation in bushings and windings is influenced by various electrical, thermal, mechanical and environmental stress factors over many years in service.

Partial discharge (PD) activity is an indication of weak spots in the insulation that can cause failure and damage to power transformers and can be continuously monitored over a specified period of time to trend PD activity over time to efficiently plan further diagnosis as well as maintenance to prevent failure.

MONTESTO 200 is a portable solution that enables you to perform temporary online partial discharge (PD) monitoring. You can use the IP65-rated solution both indoors and outdoors on various medium-voltage and high-voltage electrical assets under load to trend PD activity and assess insulation condition. Automated software features allow you to quickly and reliably detect insulation defects and locate signal sources.

Whether it is age, increased and varied load levels, or network disturbances, these factors all take their toll on transformers, leading to an increased risk of unpredictable faults and outages. Since the majority of these problems can be detected with DGA monitoring, most operators will install online DGA monitors on the most critical assets and take DGA lab samples on a regular basis on all other assets. However, maintenance teams need a mobile online DGA solution when these labs indicate a fault.

Online monitoring of dissolved gases and moisture in power transformers provides real-time data that can be compared to operating conditions to do a more thorough and fact-supported analysis of the transformer condition and provide early warning of developing transformer fault situations. This enables maintenance and asset managers to make informed decisions to maximize the safe performance of the transformer and support the planning of efficient maintenance while minimizing outage time and safety and operational risk.

Monitoring the key fault gasses dissolved in the transformer oil helps determine the types of pending or occurring faults within power transformers because the generation of these key fault gases will indicate a fault and its potential cause. That is why DGA monitors measure hydrogen (H2), methane (CH4), ethane (C2H6), ethylene (C2H4) and acetylene (C2H2). These key fault gasses begin to form at specific temperatures and during certain fault conditions and so appear as dissolved within the insulation oil of a power transformer. The types and quantities of the gases that form will depend on the nature and intensity of the fault.

Exploring the detection of severe faults and the overall monitoring process and procedure of a critical 100-MVA transmission transformer into its final months in service, this case illustrates how the utility used online DGA to help systematically monitor, then remove and replace the transformer before it experienced any major operational failures or exposed staff to safety risk.

A key challenge was interpreting the gassing patterns and the severity of the fault events due to the offline lab sampling frequency. The sampling occurred so infrequently that it was impossible to know the exact event timing and the degree of change, which would have shown the severity. But it was clear there were issues, and the transformer was reaching its end of life. To best assess and monitor this aging transformer in real time, the utility installed the Vaisala OPT100 Mobile online DGA device in October 2019.

Like the earlier laboratory DGA results, the data from the online DGA monitor showed that the carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) levels remained stable throughout the monitoring period, indicating that insulation paper was not involved in the fault events. However, ethylene was a dominating gas throughout the monitoring, indicating that the transformer has a thermal fault of some type.1 Most importantly, by leveraging the real-time online measurements of the key fault gas data from the online DGA monitor, the Texas utility could understand the very high risk of imminent failure and proactively take corrective action.

As this case clearly illustrates, online DGA monitors provide utilities with the necessary information to safely operate critical equipment and power transformers with evolving faults. This real-time monitoring information empowers maintenance managers with information to ensure performance and, when needed, initiate timely maintenance plans to prevent physical, employee, environmental, financial or reputational damage resulting from an unexpected outage.

Basically, Transformers Online has the gameplay system of most first-person shooters, while sporting the Spark System (similar to runes in League of Legends) and a cash shop which sells new bots for in-game currency or real cash. Do note that Chinese PC online games are notorious for their long beta test phases, which could go well over 12 months, hence features might change down the road.

By contrast, online DGA monitoring allows faults to be detected as early as possible, by continuously assessing the levels of these gases in transformer oil. The sophistication of the technology used and its harnessing of digital trends allows operators to detect faults which may be overlooked in manual oil samples. This results in significant cost reductions when it comes to transformer maintenance and repair, as well as minimizing the likelihood of catastrophic failures.

While a number of online DGA monitors are available to transformer owners and operators, these are not all created equally. Reliable measurement of long-term gas trends is of course a must, but other key considerations when selecting a monitoring device will include its ability to operate in a variety of climatic conditions, a robust design that can be easily fitted to operational transformers, and little need to maintain or monitor the unit itself to ensure its effective operation.

Cost will of course be another significant factor, but here it is important to consider not just the upfront price of an online DGA monitor, but also the costs associated with its installation and operation over its entire active lifetime. Some online DGA techniques require consumables, such as carrier gases, or have moving parts that require maintenance. Alternatives technologies, such as NDIR, mean no additional installation or maintenance costs, offering operators significant cost savings over the lifetime of the technology.

Online DGA has led to a sea change in how transformers are monitored and serviced. It offers a more practical and effective approach to transformer monitoring, giving owners and operators greater peace of mind in the knowledge that these vital links in the energy network are operating in peak condition.

Dielectric Response measurements are useful for determining the age of the cellulose material (paper and press bord) in a power transformer through the moisture content of the paper. These tests require the transformer to de-energised and disconnected from the network, along with the long duration of the test, can result in a outage of 1 day minimum. The preparation time for the test results in the transformer cooling down and hence the distribution of the moisture in the oil and the paper will change, resulting in test inaccuracies. A system has been developed whereby a dielectric response can be performed online with the transformer energised and drawing load. The technique has been verified in the laboratory on a 200kVA 11kV/433 3-phase transformer. A Chirp excitation voltage is used to speed up the measurement time, with a Chirp-matched filter to extract magnitude and phase.

The article presents in detail the construction of a low-cost, portable online PD monitoring system based on the acoustic emission (AE) technique. A highly sensitive piezoelectric transducer was used as the PD detector, whose frequency response characteristics were optimized to the frequency of AE waves generated by discharges in oil-paper insulation. The popular and inexpensive Teensy 3.2 development board featuring a 32-bit MK20DX256 microcontroller with the ARM Cortex-M4 core was used to count the AE pulses. The advantage of the system is its small dimensions and weight, easy and quick installation on the transformer tank, storage of measurement data on a memory card, battery power supply, and immediate readiness for operation without the need to configure. This system may contribute to promoting the idea of short-term (several days or weeks) PD monitoring, especially in developing countries where, with the dynamically growing demand for electricity, the need for inexpensive transformer diagnostics systems is also increasing. Another area of application is medium-power transformers (up to 100 MVA), where temporary PD monitoring using complex measurement systems requiring additional infrastructure (e.g., control cabinet, cable ducts for power supply, and data transmission) and qualified staff is economically unjustified. 006ab0faaa

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