Transformer models can also perform tasks on several modalities combined, such as table question answering, optical character recognition, information extraction from scanned documents, video classification, and visual question answering.

? Transformers provides APIs to quickly download and use those pretrained models on a given text, fine-tune them on your own datasets and then share them with the community on our model hub. At the same time, each python module defining an architecture is fully standalone and can be modified to enable quick research experiments.

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Transformers is more than a toolkit to use pretrained models: it's a community of projects built around it and theHugging Face Hub. We want Transformers to enable developers, researchers, students, professors, engineers, and anyoneelse to build their dream projects.

In order to celebrate the 100,000 stars of transformers, we have decided to put the spotlight on thecommunity, and we have created the awesome-transformers page which lists 100incredible projects built in the vicinity of transformers.

To immediately use a model on a given input (text, image, audio, ...), we provide the pipeline API. Pipelines group together a pretrained model with the preprocessing that was used during that model's training. Here is how to quickly use a pipeline to classify positive versus negative texts:

The tokenizer is responsible for all the preprocessing the pretrained model expects and can be called directly on a single string (as in the above examples) or a list. It will output a dictionary that you can use in downstream code or simply directly pass to your model using the ** argument unpacking operator.

The model itself is a regular Pytorch nn.Module or a TensorFlow tf.keras.Model (depending on your backend) which you can use as usual. This tutorial explains how to integrate such a model into a classic PyTorch or TensorFlow training loop, or how to use our Trainer API to quickly fine-tune on a new dataset.

Then, you will need to install at least one of Flax, PyTorch, or TensorFlow.Please refer to TensorFlow installation page, PyTorch installation page and/or Flax and Jax installation pages regarding the specific installation command for your platform.

These implementations have been tested on several datasets (see the example scripts) and should match the performance of the original implementations. You can find more details on performance in the Examples section of the documentation.

It installs transformers-4.18.0.dev0 without any problem. I use this version of the package and do the inference with some models. Then I want to use another package open_clip_torch-2.16.0 which is compatible with transformers-4.27.3, so I install them by simply doing

the version is '4.18.0.dev0'. I can't use open_clip because of that reason. Some of the codes are breaking because it uses the old version of transformers even though I installed a newer version. How can I resolve this issue?

When you initially import a module in a Python environment it is cached in sys.modules. Subsequent imports are not read from the disk but from the cache, for this reason you are not seeing the new version of the module being loaded.

JetMoe-8B is an 8B Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) language model developed by Yikang Shen and MyShell. JetMoe project aims to provide a LLaMA2-level performance and efficient language model with a limited budget. To achieve this goal, JetMoe uses a sparsely activated architecture inspired by the ModuleFormer. Each JetMoe block consists of two MoE layers: Mixture of Attention Heads and Mixture of MLP Experts. Given the input tokens, it activates a subset of its experts to process them. This sparse activation schema enables JetMoe to achieve much better training throughput than similar size dense models. The training throughput of JetMoe-8B is around 100B tokens per day on a cluster of 96 H100 GPUs with a straightforward 3-way pipeline parallelism strategy.

PaliGemma is a lightweight open vision-language model (VLM) inspired by PaLI-3, and based on open components like the SigLIP vision model and the Gemma language model. PaliGemma takes both images and text as inputs and can answer questions about images with detail and context, meaning that PaliGemma can perform deeper analysis of images and provide useful insights, such as captioning for images and short videos, object detection, and reading text embedded within images.

? Simple baseline, learning united visual representation by alignment before projection

With the binding of unified visual representations to the language feature space, we enable an LLM to perform visual reasoning capabilities on both images and videos simultaneously.

? High performance, complementary learning with video and image

Extensive experiments demonstrate the complementarity of modalities, showcasing significant superiority when compared to models specifically designed for either images or videos.

With this release, we allow you to build state-of-the-art agent systems, including the React Code Agent that writes its actions as code in ReAct iterations, following the insights from Wang et al., 2024

In this release we support new quantization methods: HQQ & EETQ contributed by the community. Read more about how to quantize any transformers model using HQQ & EETQ in the dedicated documentation section

Add interpolation of embeddings. This enables predictions from pretrained models on input images of sizes different than those the model was originally trained on. Simply pass interpolate_pos_embedding=True when calling the model.

Idefics2 is an open multimodal model that accepts arbitrary sequences of image and text inputs and produces text outputs. The model can answer questions about images, describe visual content, create stories grounded on multiple images, or simply behave as a pure language model without visual inputs. It improves upon IDEFICS-1, notably on document understanding, OCR, or visual reasoning. Idefics2 is lightweight (8 billion parameters) and treats images in their native aspect ratio and resolution, which allows for varying inference efficiency.

Jamba is a pretrained, mixture-of-experts (MoE) generative text model, with 12B active parameters and an overall of 52B parameters across all experts. It supports a 256K context length, and can fit up to 140K tokens on a single 80GB GPU.

Jamba introduces the first HybridCache object that allows it to natively support assisted generation, contrastive search, speculative decoding, beam search and all of the awesome features from the generate API!

DBRX is a transformer-based decoder-only large language model (LLM) that was trained using next-token prediction. It uses a fine-grained mixture-of-experts (MoE) architecture with 132B total parameters of which 36B parameters are active on any input.

It was pre-trained on 12T tokens of text and code data. Compared to other open MoE models like Mixtral-8x7B and Grok-1, DBRX is fine-grained, meaning it uses a larger number of smaller experts. DBRX has 16 experts and chooses 4, while Mixtral-8x7B and Grok-1 have 8 experts and choose 2.

This provides 65x more possible combinations of experts and the authors found that this improves model quality. DBRX uses rotary position encodings (RoPE), gated linear units (GLU), and grouped query attention (GQA).

The OLMo model was proposed in OLMo: Accelerating the Science of Language Models by Dirk Groeneveld, Iz Beltagy, Pete Walsh, Akshita Bhagia, Rodney Kinney, Oyvind Tafjord, Ananya Harsh Jha, Hamish Ivison, Ian Magnusson, Yizhong Wang, Shane Arora, David Atkinson, Russell Authur, Khyathi Raghavi Chandu, Arman Cohan, Jennifer Dumas, Yanai Elazar, Yuling Gu, Jack Hessel, Tushar Khot, William Merrill, Jacob Morrison, Niklas Muennighoff, Aakanksha Naik, Crystal Nam, Matthew E. Peters, Valentina Pyatkin, Abhilasha Ravichander, Dustin Schwenk, Saurabh Shah, Will Smith, Emma Strubell, Nishant Subramani, Mitchell Wortsman, Pradeep Dasigi, Nathan Lambert, Kyle Richardson, Luke Zettlemoyer, Jesse Dodge, Kyle Lo, Luca Soldaini, Noah A. Smith, Hannaneh Hajishirzi.

OLMo is a series of Open Language Models designed to enable the science of language models. The OLMo models are trained on the Dolma dataset. We release all code, checkpoints, logs (coming soon), and details involved in training these models.

Model Details

Qwen2MoE is a language model series including decoder language models of different model sizes. For each size, we release the base language model and the aligned chat model. Qwen2MoE has the following architectural choices:

Qwen2MoE is based on the Transformer architecture with SwiGLU activation, attention QKV bias, group query attention, mixture of sliding window attention and full attention, etc. Additionally, we have an improved tokenizer adaptive to multiple natural languages and codes.

Qwen2MoE employs Mixture of Experts (MoE) architecture, where the models are upcycled from dense language models. For instance, Qwen1.5-MoE-A2.7B is upcycled from Qwen-1.8B. It has 14.3B parameters in total and 2.7B activated parameters during runtime, while it achieves comparable performance with Qwen1.5-7B, with only 25% of the training resources.

The Grounding DINO model was proposed in Grounding DINO: Marrying DINO with Grounded Pre-Training for Open-Set Object Detection by Shilong Liu, Zhaoyang Zeng, Tianhe Ren, Feng Li, Hao Zhang, Jie Yang, Chunyuan Li, Jianwei Yang, Hang Su, Jun Zhu, Lei Zhang. Grounding DINO extends a closed-set object detection model with a text encoder, enabling open-set object detection. The model achieves remarkable results, such as 52.5 AP on COCO zero-shot.

Static pretrained maps have been removed from the library's internals and are currently deprecated. These used to reflect all the available checkpoints for a given architecture on the Hugging Face Hub, but their presence does not make sense in light of the huge growth of checkpoint shared by the community.

The Llama, Cohere and the Gemma model both no longer cache the triangular causal mask unless static cache is used. This was reverted by #29753, which fixes the BC issues w.r.t speed , and memory consumption, while still supporting compile and static cache. Small note, fx is not supported for both models, a patch will be brought very soon! 152ee80cbc

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