Research and Teaching

Research and Teaching Interests

Teaching experience

Visiting Professor:

2023 - 2024: AGH University of Krakow (Department of Applied Mathematics), Poland.

Courses (postgraduate students and researchers): Applied Statistics (state-space models and relevant approaches) and Machine Learning  & Data Science (data-driven estimation).

Research: "Sensitivity of data distribution to estimation of the global ocean CO2 uptake".

Guest Lecturer:

2022 - present:  RMIT University (Saigon South campus), Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam).

Courses (undergraduate and Master students) on Machine Learning approaches for data processing (regression, classification, gap-filling) with applications in environmental science.


Teaching assistant:

2011 - 2015: Teaching and tutoring in fundamental mathematics for Vietnamese secondary and high school students.




Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, Global Biogeochemical Cycles

