
Dr. Lisa Tran

Assistant Professor

 Managing Director of the Debye Institute for Nanomaterials Science

  • Ph.D. in physics, University of Pennsylvania (USA)
  • M.Sc. in physics, University of Pennsylvania (USA)
  • B.A. in physics and philosophy, New York University (USA)

  • Hobbies: reading novels and poetry, watching independent films, learning Dutch

photo: Ed van Rijswijk

Diogo Saraiva, M.Sc.

Ph.D. Candidate

  • M.Sc. in micro and nanotechnologies engineering, FCT-UNL, Caparica (Portugal)
  • B.Sc. in micro and nanotechnologies engineering, FCT-UNL, Caparica (Portugal)

  • Research focus: structural color, cellulose nanocrystals, liquid crystals, electro-optical devices
  • Hobbies: listening to music, watching movies, and swimming

Mengwei Li, M.Sc.

Ph.D. Candidate

joint with dr. Martin Haase
  • M.Sc. in physical chemistry, Jilin University (China)
  • B.Sc. in environmental science, Changchun Normal University (China)

  • Research focus: controlled and arrested phase separation of and within liquid crystals, bio-inspired technologies
  • Hobbies: listening to music, visiting museums, climbing, skiing

Ivo Vermaire, M.Sc.

Ph.D. Candidate

  • M.Sc. in biological and soft matter physics, Leiden University (the Netherlands)
  • B.Sc. in physics and mathematics, Leiden University (the Netherlands)

  • Research focus: structural color, cellulose nanocrystals, liquid crystals
  • Hobbies: drawing, video games, listening to paranormal stories

Geert Schulpen, M.Sc.

Ph.D. Candidate

joint with prof. Allard Mosk and dr. Martin Haase

  • M.Sc. in nanomaterials and experimental physics, Utrecht University (the Netherlands)
  • B.Sc. in chemistry & physics and astronomy, Utrecht University (the Netherlands)

  • Research focus: making anisotropic bijels for reflectance optimization
  • Hobbies: playing the bassoon, reading, cooking, and playing board games

Riya Banerjee, B.Sc.

Physics M.Sc. Student

  • B.Sc. in physics, Ashoka University (India)

  • Research focus: magnetic manipulation of cellulose nanocrystals
  • Hobbies: reading, writing, watching tv shows and documentaries, video games, traveling

Anne Meike Hogeweg

Chemistry B.Sc. Student

  • Research focus: kinetic arrest of cellulose nanocrystals
  • Hobbies: reading, listening to music, and doing sports (yoga/pilates)

Ilja van der Marck

Physics B.Sc. Student

  • Research focus: shape changing liquid crystal emulsions with lipids
  • Hobbies: walking in nature, running, crocheting, and reading

Stephen Yang

Physics B.Sc. Student

  • Research focus: microfluidic encapsulation of cellulose nanocrystals
  • Hobbies: listening to music/singing, video games, fitness, doing anything with friends (baking, cooking, traveling, movies)

Noa de Been

Chemistry B.Sc. Student

  • Research focus: cellulose nanocrystals as Pickering emulsions stabilizers 
  • Hobbies: climbing, being outside, playing games with friends

Dec 2023 - Goodbye Pancake Lunch for Ethan @ Theehuis Rhijnauwen

Looking for a postdoc position? 

We are always eager to have creative and motivated scientists in our team. If you are interested in working on a grant together to fund a postdoctoral fellowship, please reach out! 

Interested in being a Ph.D. candidate?

Send a CV and describe your research interests. We are always open to considering excellent candidates!

Masters & bachelors students are always welcome!

Feel free to email and introduce yourself. Describe your background and research interests.


Dr. Rama Kotni

Former Postdoctoral Researcher

Next step: Researcher at TNO

Marianne Bijl

Former Chemistry M.Sc. Literature Review Student

Next step: M.Sc. studies in Nanomaterials

Thijmen van Voorthuizen

Former Chemistry M.Sc. Intern

Next step: Ph.D. candidate at Wageningen

Willem Kalkman

Former Physics B.Sc. Student

Evert Simons

Former Chemistry M.Sc. Literature Review Student

Next step: M.Sc. studies in Nanomaterials

Dr. Albert Grau Carbonell

Former Postdoctoral Researcher

joint with prof. Alfons van Blaaderen

Next step: Application Scientist at InProcess-LSP

Alex Nijland

Former Chemistry B.Sc. Student

Next step: M.Sc. studies in Nanomaterials

Steven Remiëns

Former Chemistry M.Sc. Student

Next step: M.Sc. studies in Nanomaterials

Yoldaş Cinemre

Former Physics B.Sc Student

Next step: M.Sc. studies in Experimental Physics

William Hayes

Former Chemistry M.Sc. Literature Review Student

Next step: M.Sc. studies in Nanomaterials

Linet Koopman

Former Chemistry B.Sc. Student

Lotte Polling

Former Physics B.Sc. Student

Next step: M.Sc. studies in Freie Universität Berlin

Dr. Ethan Jull

Former Postdoctoral Researcher

Next step: Researcher at TNO

Ilse Zuijderduin

Former Physics B.Sc. Student

Next step: M.Sc. studies