Trains - Sri Lanka

'Trains - Sri Lanka' (was 'Train Finder - Sri Lanka') helps you to smartly search trains in Sri Lanka and view the timetables of both trains and stations. It gives you the list of options that you can travel between any two stations.


  • Search for trains between any two stations in Sri Lanka at any date/time.
  • Train searches will include any transits even within same train line. Useful when it requires switching from an express train to a slow train or/and vise versa, or when switching between train lines.
  • Search results can be shared with friends by SMS, Mail, Messaging apps or any similar apps
  • Can view full time table of each train or station.
  • Search history is remembered and can be accessed offline.
  • Day of week, holidays are considered for searches.
  • Contains telephone numbers of all major stations in case you need any additional information
  • Trains running overnight (Night mail trains) are also supported.
  • Adaptive station listing based on previous searches. Major stations are prioritized by default.

Change Log

v 4.0.0 (Latest release)

- New UI and UX improvements

- Support for holidays

- Improved search algorithm

- Adaptive station listing based on previous searches

v 3.0.0

- View complete time table of all the stations

- Has telephone numbers of most major stations

- The search results now show the total time for each option

- Search results can now be sent to friends via SMS or social apps

- UI Improvements

v 2.3.1

- Included Jaffna and Mannar lines

- Updated time tables

- Support down to andorid 2.3.3

v 2.1.0

- Can view the complete time table of each individual train in the results.

- Searches are saved in history and can be viewed offline (up to 20 searches)

- Supports overnight trains in the search

v 1.0.0

- Shows up to three options to reach the destination earliest possible (extended to 5 now)

- Shows the relayed options (options with more than 1 train) if available. This is applicable for both searches across railway lines and for searches within a single line

- Search is based on the day (e.g. Monday-Friday trains are not taken if searched for a Sunday)

- Search can be done for any day and from any time

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