Why do you need a tracking link?

Without a tracking link, you don’t know where your visitors are coming from, how many are visiting your sales page, and how many have opted in.

Our direct link tracking system is integrated to track your visitors’ activities on  your websites or on your target affiliate URL so you know how your traffic is performing, such as:

If you send traffic directly to your affiliate link you will not be able to see any stats other than how many people have visited your link.

With our link tracking software, you can eliminate those traffic sources that don’t work, and concentrate only on the profitable traffic sources as your marketing platform to make more money.

This is a simple secret link tracking tool that automatically does this for you, and makes your job a lot easier.

It does not require:

How fast can this link tracking tool spot profitable traffic? You can get all set up and get the results in literally under 10 minutes. After that, all you need to do is to keep running the same traffic you are already getting, and as soon as the first sale comes in.

You will clearly be able to tell which traffic source got you that sale, so you can get more profitable website traffic from that source and dump all the non-performing traffic sources.

Our link tracking software is super easy to use and helps you to:

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