About 45 minutes after sitting in traffic, Apple Maps came up with an alternative route that required you to get off an exit about three miles up, that wiggled through tiny mail roads in the mountains, and then to rejoin the main highway on the other side of the disturbance. It shaved almost two hours off the time.

Sometimes when we choose the way that seems easier or faster, new obstacles come up. We might have to reevaluate the situation, understand where we went wrong, and ask for forgiveness, because there is only one way to heaven, one way home.

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WHITEMAN AIR FORCE BASE, Mo., -- Starting March 25, Whiteman's Spirit Gate will be open only to inbound traffic, continuing through late April. During this time, teams from the 509th Civil Engineer Squadron will be implementing key security improvements, helping keep Team Whiteman safe and sound. (Courtesy Graphic/Released)

With the help of Traffic Spirit, you can quickly increase traffic to your website by using it to promote Webmaster, Web Store, Twitter, Facebook, and blogs. If it is adaptable to use, it can satisfy all sorts of website promotion requirements.

For websites that are just starting out, building a significant source of traffic is dependent upon consumer awareness. This visibility is built through content, social media, advertising and SEO and, as we all know, it is hard to get noticed in the congested online arena. There is, however, a bevy of tools and software that you can use to build traffic and bump your site up in the SERPs, thereby providing a generous amount of organic visits. What you need is a traffic generator on your team.

A robust source of organic traffic is the goal in leveraging these types of technologies. They will not provide that by themselves, but they will produce two different types of traffic that can elevate your site to obtain the more natural variety. These tools can help you manifest traffic from exchange networks and bot traffic.

Bot traffic, on the other hand, is essentially fake traffic for testing the load threshold of a website. You, of course, will not gain any conversions from robots, but they can still boost you in the SERPs.

If you do need some help in gaining visibility through search engines, traffic generators might be the way to go; temporarily. These are not long-term solutions, but can put you on the right track by creating the awareness needed for a substantial visitor source. Here are three traffic generators for building the attention your site needs and deserves.

Active Web Traffic is a generator that helps to funnel real visitors to your website. The system is powered by a supple back end network and includes virtually everything you need to promote your site in the SERPs. Considering that the software is driving real individuals to your site, there is the potential to convert some visitors into customers.

The software comes at a one-time fee of $70 and is currently running within its ninth version. Along with a steady stream of visitors, Active Web Traffic provides keyword research tools, analytics, conversion analysis data, and other highly useful features.

Social media is a huge portion of SEO. No matter if social signals are actually incorporated into ranking algorithms, social does provide continuous discoverability for your webpage. This has been noted by many, including Forbes contributor, Jason DeMers, when he said:

This is what makes AddMeFast a unique traffic exchange network. The generator not only provides a plethora of site hits from more than four million users in 220 countries, but also bolsters your social presence by providing Facebook likes, YouTube favorites, Google+ shares, retweets, and other social signal enhancements; everywhere from Instagram to Pinterest, SoundCloud, and more are all covered.

The software has a streamlined interface, excellent user support, and many have reported that conversion rates can dramatically increase through this service. The best part is that AddMeFast is free to use.

Traffic Spirit is the English counterpart to the wildly popular Chinese version, Jingling. The Chinese software was so globally adored for its unique recipe for driving visits that Traffic Spirit was needed to meet the demand in the English speaking market.

The software is something like a traffic exchange in that running the service opens up a browser in the background, which then automatically surfs websites. It provides unique IP traffic because other users of the software are the ones visiting your site through the automated process.

Users can establish where they wish to receive traffic sources, be it Google, Baidu, Bing, or other engines, and authorize certain keywords for the traffic that helps to rank for those phrases. Additionally, Traffic Spirit will filter out any Trojans and various types of malware viruses to keep your PC protected. The system is compatible with various versions of Windows including XP, 2003, Vista, 7, 8, and 10. Unfortunately, it is not compatible with Mac at this time.

Traffic generators can certainly help you to climb the rankings faster than doing so with just content, SEO tools, and best practices. Do remember, however, this is something that should not be viewed as a long-term way of gaining traffic. These tools help you gain an optimal position in the rankings so that you can drive more organic visits to your site; this is your ultimate goal. Organic visitors are going to be the ones that you nurture and attempt to convert into lasting, if not life-long, customers.

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Ho Chi Minh City used to be known as Saigon. Many locals are still using the previous old name which rolls off the tongue much better than the new name. And the one area where I am staying is officially called Saigon, a district within Ho Chi Minh City.

Actually Ho Chi Minh City is quite hot and polluted as well, however it is only the first stop towards my final destination which is a pretty mountain town called Dalat with hardly any pollution or burning problems.

1. In Thailand nobody honks their horn unless there is an emergency situation. In Vietnam everybody is laying on their horn all the time, and for no good reason as far as I am concerned. It is a constant cacophony of sounds which result in just being tuned out by the drivers since everybody around them is honking.

2. Although there are lots of motorcycles on the road in Thailand, there are several times as many in Vietnam. While in Thailand the traffic rules are not exactly observed very strictly, Vietnam is an overwhelming scenario with motorbikes coming at you from all directions, all within inches from each other.

3. In Thailand there are pedestrian crosswalks with traffic lights, and cars actually stop at them (most of the time). Also when you cross the street, cars and motorbikes will slow down to let you cross (not always).

However in Vietnam no vehicle ever stops at a pedestrian crosswalk without a red light, and no vehicle will ever slow down to accommodate you crossing the street. So unless there is an intersection with traffic lights, your only way to cross a street is to just slowly and deliberately walk into the chaotic traffic.

The word is slowly. If you walk too fast, you are dead meat, and if you stop, you will get run over. As long as you walk slowly and keep your eyes peeled on the cars and bikes which are rushing past you without ever slowing down, somehow they will drive by you without hitting you as long as your movement is slow and predictable to the drivers.

There is a helmet law in Vietnam. Most drivers do wear a helmet, although they are very flimsy $5 contraptions whose main purpose is to protect you from fines by the cops. Chances are slim that they do much in terms of protecting your head in case of a serious accident. However really quality helmets are only available as expensive import products and they are way out of the price range of most Vietnamese.

Especially the women are really bundled up with long sleeved shirts, helmets, sun glasses, face masks against the pollution and even gloves. The reason is that most women in southeast Asia do not want to be tanned. Actually they do not only avoid the sun, but they liberally apply whitening creams to their faces to have that cherished pale look.

As soon as the passersby realized what was going on, namely the man had either pickpocketed the woman or snatched something, immediately the guy was jumped by several Vietnamese, thrown to the ground and searched. Within seconds there was a big crowd of spectators assembled, and within minutes the police arrived and the unlucky thief found himself in handcuffs.

This of course is not something which is just happening in Vietnam, but it is a common phenomenon in most big cities on the planet. You just have to be careful what you carry with you and how easy or hard you make it for potential thieves.

Saigon or Ho Chi Minh City is a teeming city which has grown into a super heated engine for economic development and booming tourism. You can have a great time here as long as you survive the traffic.

I am trying to look at the silver lining of it all. At least you never have to wait until the light turns green in order to cross the road. And you never have to worry about getting a ticket for illegally crossing the road. And nobody will ever give you the finger for standing in the middle of rush hour traffic.

Actually HCMC is quite a pleasant and civilized place. Trees are lining most streets and there are lots of green spaces along with the Saigon river meandering through the city. The variety of restaurants with food from all around the globe is amazing, and there is lots to do and see. 152ee80cbc

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