Back Pressure in Exhaust

If the car exhaust is somehow blocked, it results in exhaust back pressure. Exhaust back pressure is responsible for posing many negative impacts on your vehicle. Your car's engine performance will degrade considerably and also the fuel economy will drop down.

The primary cause for back pressure build-up is the blockage in the catalytic converter. If the converter is completely blocked, it can cause the engine to stop functioning. An engine stall can also occur due to muffler blockage or in consequence to collapsed walls of the exhaust pipe.

How to Check for Extreme Back Pressure:

One of the best signs of back pressure building is reduced power at high speeds. Some other symptoms may include lesser fuel economy and overheating of the engine. When the exhaust is blocked, the heat dissipation also gets hindered. Coolants have to make extra efforts to cool the engine and hence, overheating of the engine occurs. In some cases, the engine will not do anything for one or two minutes and then suddenly may run down and ask for a repair.

How Can One Measure the Back Pressure in the Exhaust:

To examine exhaust back pressure, one must be equipped with the manometer that can read up to 15psi. In addition to this, it takes precision and skill to know where to dig in the exhaust to measure the back pressure build-up.

To check the back pressure, the air pump valve can be tapped. First, dislodge the air pump, then install it with the pressure gauge. This way is only applicable when the valve connects before the converter.

One can efficiently check the back pressure by removing the oxygen sensor. We have to connect the pressure gauge to the hose fittings. The process may sound challenging for an old vehicle as it is not easy to safely remove the oxygen sensor. You can always bring your vehicle to us at Trade Price Tyres for accurate and safe back pressure check and removal.

You can make a hole by drilling it just before the catalytic converter, to measure the back pressure with the help of your pressure gauge. However, after the measurement, one has to weld the hole to plug it up.

How Much Back Pressure is Optimum:

Readings lesser than 1.5psi is standard for vehicles. Some vehicles may also have a pressure higher than 1.5psi in normal conditions.

If the pressure at 2000rpm is lesser than or equal to 3psi, only then the back pressure is normal, else you have to get your car repaired for the back pressure problems.

To double check the back pressure, check it at the 4000rpm. If the back pressure remains steady and maintains a value in between 4 and 8psi, you have a correct back pressure or else, get your exhaust checked.

To improve fuel efficiency, and also the performance of the car, back pressure should be adequately maintained.

To reduce the back pressure, try changing the stock mufflers and catalytic converter with us, here at Trade Price Tyres. You can also get your Exhaust Repair Newport with us.