The solution, get a copy of the extracted x64 binary. This is the trace32.exe process viewed in Process Explorer. Note the TRA184B.tmp file (may be named different on your system)

Here are the properties of the TRA184B.tmp file:

When the batch file executes it will go searching for trace32.exe and if it can be found it will be copied to the root of the C drive. How does it get found? Well, the directory that you are in when you execute the batch file is called your working directory, and that is the first thing which the OS looks in to find trace32. If I open a command prompt and I navigate to the root of the C drive, then the root of the C drive is my working directory. From my command prompt I might try this:

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This fails to find trace32 to copy. Why? Because when that batch file executes it looks for trace32.exe in the root of the C drive, my working directory, and fails to find it. I could solve this by defining an absolute path, such as:

Maybe. There are a few catches. Yes, this would run and yes it would copy trace32 into the root of every C drive IF every computer has permissions to access \\myserver\packages. That is its own catch but what I am discussing here is the fact that it has to go to \\myserver at all. When you setup that SMS/SCCM package you probably set it up to copy all the files from \\myserver\packages\copyfiles out to your distribution points. The clients then probably downloaded all (two) of those files down into the local cache on the hard drive of the SCCM/SMS client. The SCCM/SMS client then looked in that local folder, found the copyfiles.cmd and executed it per the program. The second catch is that even though we went through all the trouble to move trace32.exe from the site server to the distribution point and down into the client cache, the batch file had a hard coded path back to the server. When the batch file ran it ignored the copy of tracew32 sitting next to it and instead reached across your WAN to the server to copy the file from there. That somewhat defeats the usefulness of SMS/SCCM for minimizing bandwidth usage for software deployments.

In this example the first version of the batch file would have been the right one to use. Unlike my manual process outlined above, when SCCM runs a package it sets the working directory to the root of the SCCM/SMS package that was copied into the client cache. Thus it would have found the already local copy of trace32.exe.

For package1 our original batch file would work fine. That same batch file in package2 would fail because trace32 is in a subdirectory, not the working directory that SMS/SCCM sets up. To solve this we need to give a relative patch to trace32.exe. For package2 the batch file would need to look like:

I've added trace32 to my winpe (in C:\Windows\system32) image so that I can open bdd.log when a deployment fails, but when I try to open trace32 I get a message saying "The subsystem needed to support the image type is not present."\ e24fc04721

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