Playwright Trace Viewer is a GUI tool that helps you explore recorded Playwright traces after the script has ran. Traces are a great way for debugging your tests when they fail on CI. You can open traces locally or in your browser on

When tracing with the screenshots option turned on, each trace records a screencast and renders it as a film strip. You can hover over the film strip to see a magnified image of for each action and state which helps you easily find the action you want to inspect.

Trace Viewer Download


Traces should be run on continuous integration on the first retry of a failed test by setting the trace: 'on-first-retry' option in the test configuration file. This will produce a file for each test that was retried.

You can open the saved trace using the Playwright CLI or in your browser on Make sure to add the full path to where your file is located. This should include the full path to your file.

Trace Viewer is the frontend for chrome://tracing and Android systrace. Providing rich analysis and visualization capabilities for trace files, supporting both the linux kernel trace format and Chrome's base/trace_event.

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Service Trace Viewer Tool helps you analyze diagnostic traces that are generated by WCF. Service Trace Viewer provides a way to easily merge, view, and filter trace messages in the log so that you can diagnose, repair, and verify WCF service issues.

Diagnostic traces provide you with information that shows what is happening throughout your application's operation. As the name implies, you can follow operations from their source to destination and through intermediate points as well.

In this example, the name and type of the trace listener is specified. The Listener is named sdt and the standard .NET Framework trace listener (System.Diagnostics.XmlWriterTraceListener) is added as the type. The initializeData attribute is used to set the name of the log file for that Listener to be SdrConfigExample.e2e. For the log file, you can substitute a fully-qualified path for a simple file name.

You can use add to specify the name and type of the trace listener you want to use. In the example configuration, the Listener is named sdt and the standard .NET Framework trace listener (System.Diagnostics.XmlWriterTraceListener) is added as the type. Use initializeData to set the name of the log file for that Listener. In addition, you can substitute a fully-qualified path for a simple file name.

Press SHIFT while clicking multiple trace files to select and open them simultaneously. Service Trace Viewer merges the content of all files and presents one view. For example, you can open trace files of both client and service. This is useful when you have enabled message logging and activity propagation in configuration. In this way, you can examine message exchange between client and service. You can also drag multiple files into the viewer, or use the Project tab. See the Managing Project section for more details.

To add additional trace files to the collection that is open, click File and then point to Add. In the window that opens, navigate to the location of the trace files and double-click the file you want to add.

It is not recommended that you load a trace log file bigger than 200MB. If you attempt to load a file larger than this limit, the loading process may take a long time, depending on your computer resource. The Service Trace Viewer tool may not be responsive for a long time, or it may exhaust your machine's memory. It is recommended that you configure partial loading to avoid this. For more information on how to do this, see "Loading Large Trace Files" section.

The viewer's native format is the activity tracing format that WCF emits. Traces emitted in a different format must be converted before the viewer displays them. Currently, in addition to the activity tracing format, the viewer supports event tracing and crimson tracing.

When you open a file that does not contain activity traces, the viewer attempts to convert the file. You must specify the name and location of the file that will contain the converted trace data. Once the data has been converted, the viewer displays the content of the new file.

The viewer supports projects to facilitate viewing multiple trace files. For example, if you have a client trace file and a service trace file, you can add them to a project. Then, every time you open the project, all the trace files in the project are loaded simultaneously.

WCF emits traces using the activity tracing format. In the activity tracing model, individual traces are grouped in activities according to their purpose. Logical control flow is transferred between activities. For example, during the lifetime of an application, many "message send activities" appear and disappear. For more information on viewing traces and activities, and the user interface of the Service Trace Viewer too, see Using Service Trace Viewer for Viewing Correlated Traces and Troubleshooting.

This view enables you to view all message log traces, including Action, Date/Time, Process, Activity and From/To, and navigate to the details of the associated message log trace. You can group the message log traces by Activity Boundary, Process/Thread, or Send & Receive for easier navigation of the message flow.

This view displays the trace data for a given activity in chart form. The chart form enables you to see the stepwise execution of events and the interrelationships between multiple activities as data moves between them.

To switch to Graph view, select an activity in the Activity view and click the Activity tab, or a message log trace in the Message View. If multiple trace files are loaded and the activity involves traces from more than one file, all of the relevant traces appear in the graph view. Double-clicking on the activities and message log traces also leads you to the Graph view.

In Graph view, each vertical column represents an activity, and each block in the column represents a trace. The activities are grouped by process (or thread). The small arrows between activities represent transfers. The big arrows between processes represent message exchange. The activity in selection is always in yellow.

The viewer hides unnecessary detail in the activity graph by collapsing activities. In a collapsed activity, individual traces are not displayed. Only transfers trace appear. If you want to view all traces in an activity, expand the activity vertically by clicking the expand symbol of the activity in the header of the graph.

Show Non-message Verbose Traces, which when unchecked ignore verbose level traces, except for message traces. In most cases, verbose level traces are less important for analysis. This option is helpful when you do not want to analyze verbose level traces and only want to focus on more important traces.

The viewer has two Layout Modes: Process and Thread. This setting defines the largest unit of organization. The default Layout Mode is Process, which means that activities are grouped by processes in the graph.

You can select which process or thread to be displayed in the graph from this drop-down list. For example, if you have the trace files of two clients (A and B) and one service opened, and you only want to display the service and client A in the graph, you can deselect client B from the list.

The XML view displays XML corresponding to the selected trace. It supports highlighting and syntax color. When you use Find to search strings, it highlights the search results.

The pre-defined filter of the viewer can be used to selectively filter parts of the WCF traces. By default, it is set to allow all infrastructure traces to pass through. The settings of this filter are defined in the Filter Options sub-menu under View menu.

Look for: Look for defines the subject to look for in the filter operation. For example, if you want to find all traces that were emitted in the context of process X, set this field to X and the Search In field to 'Process Name'. This field changes to a DateTime selector control when a time-based filter is selected.

Level: The level setting defines the minimum trace level allowed by the filter. For example, if the level is set to Error and Up, only traces at the Error and critical level are displayed. This filter combines with the criteria specified by Look For and Search In.

If you are familiar with the XML Path Language (XPath), you can use it to construct custom filters to search the trace data for any XML element of interest. The filters are accessible through the filter toolbar.

The tree view on the left displays the structure of the trace record you selected in step 1. Browse to the element you want to create a condition for. In this example, browse to the ThreadID to be located in the XPath: /E2ETraceEvent/System/Execution/@ThreadID node. Double-click the ThreadID attribute in the tree view. This creates an expression for the attribute on the right of the dialog.

If your filter uses multiple parameters, enter them using ';' as a separator in the Find What field. For example, the following string defines 3 parameters: '1;findValue;text'. The viewer applies '1' to the {0} parameter of the filter. 'findValue' and 'text' are applied to {1} and {2} respectively.

Ignore root activity: The search ignores the traces in the "000000000000" activity. This improves performance in large trace files when the root activity has thousands of traces, most of which are transfers.

If you consider each trace as a line of code in the program, stepping forward is very similar to "Step over" in the Visual Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The difference is that you can also step backward in the traces. Stepping forward means moving to the next trace in the activity. e24fc04721

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