
We invite original and unpublished papers relevant to the theme of the workshop as one of the following -

      • Long Paper (completed work - 9 pages)
      • Short Paper (work in progress - 5 pages)
      • Demo of a working system / library / API (described in maximum 2 pages, with a link to the actual system, if available) - we strongly prefer open-source and free systems for demo at the workshop

Both long and short papers may be presented using PowerPoint or Poster, depending on the medium that is considered most appropriate for the paper by the Program Committee. Please note the workshop does not make any hierarchical distinction between papers and posters and the decision does NOT reflect the quality of the paper - the choice between the two mediums of presentation will only be made based on its suitability and appropriateness for presenting the content of the paper.

Submissions should be formatted according to the COLING 2018 template. As with the main conference, submissions will only be accepted in PDF format and deviations from the provided templates will result in rejections without review. Papers are to be submitted by the end of the deadline day via the workshop's START submission website.