TQube PocketQube

About TQube

TQube was a 1P PocketQube designed and build by an amateur team. It was launched on October 11, 2019 at 18:37 UTC. The PocketQube was designed to record structural dynamics data and qualify an insulation material for use in future spacecraft. The PocketQube performed as expected throughout all phases of flight. It was the 5th PocketQube mission to launch.

We Have Liftoff

October 11, 2019

On October 11 2019 at 18:37 UTC, TQube was successfully launched aboard the Neutron rocket. The rocket and PocketQube performance was nominal. After burnout and a coast phase, the fairing was deployed and TQube was separated from the rocket through the use of a custom deployer. This is when data collection started. TQube impacted the ground as planned after completing mission objectives. TQube was deployed using a custom built PocketQube deployer that utilized a series of separable tension ties that attach to the rocket's PAF-S. When separation criteria was met, a pyrotechnic charge separated TQube.

The Neutron rocket launching TQube.