Volunteer in the community

Here are some quick links to organizations where help is needed and wanted!

"We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone." - Ronald Reagan

Pictured above are ASB students at the Torrey Pines High School blood drive with the Red Cross in October

Local places to volunteer

Carlsbad Senior Center
Feeding San DiegoRecommend food sorting at food distribution center
San Diego Food Bank
Operation Gratitude Help distribute care packages to those in the military
My Girlfriend's Closet
Ronald McDonald House CharitiesHelp support families while a child is going through treatment
TacoSupporting a community drawn together to support the well-being of people among us experiencing homelessness and poverty
Reading LegaciesSupport their mission of facilitating supportive relationships for children through family and friends reading aloud with them
Autism Tree Sign up for the Volunteer Membership, receive volunteer emails with more info on volunteer opportunities
Helen WoodwardAnimal shelter
San Diego Humane SocietyAnimal shelter
SurfriderBeach clean up
Meals on WheelsMeal delivery program
Burrito BoyzHelp nourish people who are homeless
Interfaith Community Services
Showers of blessingsSign up here
Community Resource Center
Rancho Sante Fe Library
Sharia's Closet
Father Joe's Villages

From home volunteering opportunities

Note that other philanthropies have offsite volunteering including Helen Woodward, Interfaith Community Services, Reading Legacies and more.

Operation GratitudeMake a handmade item from home to send to people serving in our military(Click Operation and gratitude for different volunteer opportunities)

Larger scale volunteering opportunities

Casa De Luz
Interfaith Community ServicesTry making bag lunches with a group! See homepage image of ASB participating in this project.

"Love only grows by sharing. You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others."

For more volunteer opportunities visit: https://www.volunteermatch.org/search