A-Z Guide
A-Z List of Recyclables
Aluminum cans, pie plates, and foil
Recycle (clean and empty)
Appliances – clothes dryers, dishwashers, freezers, ranges, refrigerators, stoves, washing machines, water heaters, white goods
Appliances, if in working condition, should be reused if possible. Place an ad on Craigslist, Front Porch Forum, or VTgrandpa.com. If they are not in working order, and they do not contain Freon, they can be brought to the Casella drop-off in Coventry.
Please note that refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, dehumidifiers, and water coolers contain freon. To dispose of these items or white goods please contact Wright Brothers Metal Recycling in Newport (802) 334-2453 1734 Crawford Rd. Newport, VT 05855
Asphalt (Construction and Demolition)
Construction and Demolition material is accepted with a fee at the Casella Drop-Off facility in Coventry.
Don’t throw batteries in the trash or your blue bin. Batteries can be recycled at Casella’s drop-off in Coventry or find another location on this map. For more battery recycling information see: https://dec.vermont.gov/waste-management/solid/materials-mgmt/product-stewardship/primary-batteries
Cardboard, corrugated
Recycle (clean and broken down)
Donate to Goodwill, Salvation Army, local thrift store or church. The Shepard’s Care accepts clothing/textile donations in good condition. They are located at 309 High Street in Barton Village.
Clean drywall from construction or remodeling projects can be recycled at
Myers Recycling Center
216 Red Can Dr, Colchester, VT 05446 (802-655-4312)
(computers, laptops, monitors, printers, televisions, VCR's, DVD players, game consoles, stereos, fax machines, keyboards, mouse, phones, MP3 players)
Check out the Vermont E-Waste Recycling program for more details on the free e-waste recycling program.
E-waste is accepted at no charge according to the program rules at the
Derby Town Garage 3427 US Route 5 Derby, VT 802-766-4906 on Wednesdays from 3-6pm and Saturdays from 9-1pm.
Unwanted ammunition, road flares, and fireworks must be handled properly.
Call the State Police Explosives Unit 802-244-8727 before moving explosives and shock-sensitive materials. PLEASE do not dispose of any of these items in your trash.
They are NOT accepted at the Household Hazardous Waste Collection days.
Fluorescent Light Bulbs, Lamps and Tubes; Compact Flourescent Lights (CFLs) (mercury containing)
Fluorescent light bulbs and tubes (straight, circular and U-shaped), compact fluorescent light
(CFL) bulbs, UV radiation tubes, HID bulbs, and metal halide and sodium bulbs contain
mercury and are all considered hazardous and should be brought to a
Household Hazardous Waste Collection day.
Food for Donation
Donate extra food (unopened) to the Vermont Food Bank or local food shelf. Currently the Glover Barton Area Senior Services group handles the local food shelf.
Food Scraps
Compost food waste in your back yard. Feed leftover food to chickens or pigs if you have them.
Composters are for sale the Casella drop-off in Coventry.
These are hazardous waste and must be brought to a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event.
Glass bottles and jars
Place clean glass in your recycling bin.
Household Hazardous Waste
Includes any household products labelled "caution, toxic, danger, hazard, warning, poisonous, reactive, corrosive, or flammable"
You can bring household hazardous waste to any one of the scheduled
Household Hazardous Waste Days. Contact the Casella drop-off with questions at 802-334-8300.
Leaf, Yard & Clean Wood Debris
branches, limbs, logs, grass clippings, untreated, unpainted wood
Composting is the best answer for these types of materials. Piling leaves, brush and yard waste near your composter will provide you with ample material throughout the year to generate compost for your garden. You can rent a small chipper for little money to turn larger brush into mulch for your compost or garden.
You can also bring leaf and yard waste to the stump dump on East St. in Orleans. It is directly across the street from 44 East St.
Medical Waste
Home generated medical waste can be disposed of in your regular household trash. For sharps, see Syringes, Needles, Sharps
Regulated medical waste (generated in the medical setting) requires special handling. Please contact Ben Gauthier with Vermont DEC at (802)522-5080 or Benjamin.Gauthier@vermont.gov with questions about regulated medical waste.
Mercury-containing devices - thermometers, switches, relays, neon signs
For best disposal information, go to the Vermont Mercury Education & Reduction Campaign.
Mercury containing thermomenteres, switches, relays, neon signs and other mercury containing products can be brough to a Household Hazardous Waste Day for disposal. In addition termostats can be brought to Blodgett Supply in Newport, VT (802) 334-0151, Bulbs can be brought to the Casella Landfill in Coventry, VT (802) 334-8300.
Used motor oil (no antifreeze or gasoline mixed in) can be taken to the Casella drop-off in Coventry.
Paint - oil, latex, paint thinner, varnish, stains
Bring to a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event. Also, check out the PaintCare website for complete list of sites that collect paints throughout the State of Vermont.
Paper (mixed)
Place in recycling bin.
Occasionally, disposal events are put on by law enforcement, hospitals, or doctor's offices.
Check with local law enforcement or medical offices for when the next event would be in your area.
Plastic containers #1 (PET) and #2 (HDPE)
Place in recycling bin – must be empty and clean
Propane Tanks
Return to the retailer for refill or exchange. The new style tanks are refillable.
Please check with a local hardware store or convenience store for an exchange program.
Empty handheld propane cylinders can go to the Casella drop-off in Coventry.
Wright Brothers Metal Recycling in Newport (802) 334-2453 will accept larger propane tanks at 1734 Crawford Rd. Newport, VT.
Place in recycling bin – must be empty and clean
Shingles can be recycled at the Casella drop-off facility in Coventry.
Syringes, Needles, Sharps
Needles, lancets and syringes used for home health care are not regulated and can go in the trash. To protect workers in the waste industry, place all needles in a sealed container and label it “Sharps – Do Not Recycle.” A plastic soda or laundry detergent bottle with a lid makes a good container, but remember any type of plastic bottle that you use to put needles in does not belong in your recycling bin.
Steel cans
Clean (no food or other residue) steel cans can be placed into your recycling bin.
Donate to Goodwill, Salvation Army, local thrift store or church. The Shepard’s Care accepts clothing/textile donations in good condition. They are located at 309 High Street in Barton Village.
Thermostats (Mercury Containing)
To find a site near you, go to the Thermostat Recycling Corporation and
type your zip code in the blue box titled "Collection Site Near You."
Tires not on the rim can be brought to the Casella drop-off facility in Coventry . Applicable fees may apply.
Casella Drop-Off facility in Coventry:
The Town of Coventry is home to the Waste USA Landfill located at 403 Landfill Lane, Coventry VT 05825
Hours of Operation :
Monday through Friday
7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Click http://www.casella.com/ to see the web site for Waste USA / Casella for more information on solid waste and recycling options in the area.
Orleans Stump Dump
Located on East Street in Orleans across from the Catholic Church. Call Orleans Village at 754-8584 for hours of operation or further questions.