Welcome to the Town of Barton, Vermont!
The Town office is located at 34 Main St. Barton, VT. Regular office hours are Monday - Thursday 8 AM - 4:00 PM and Friday 8 AM - Noon. We can also be reached by email at bartontownoffice@gmail.com
Zoning hours are by appointment. Please call Brent at 802-673-4762 to set up an appointment.
Assessors hours are by appointment only, although records are available from the Town Clerk's office whenever they are open.
Annual Reports as well as results of Annual Meeting can be downloaded here.
Tax Rates can be viewed here.
Town Office - 802-525-6222
Town Garage - 802-754-2923
Health Officer / Municipal Ordinance Enforcement Officer - 802-673-3791
Barton Town Office
Barton Village Office (temporary office hours are M-Th 7:30-12:30 with phones answered 7:30-4, closed Friday)
Orleans Village Office
where five locations are required the Barton Public Library and Jones Memorial Library are the additional two.