Art for the Blind - Tactile Art - Haptic

TAGS -- Tactile Art and Tactile Graphics Specialist mailing list information

"TAGS is the email list of the National Federation of the Blind Tactile Art and Tactile Graphics Specialist Group. All tactile artists, tactile graphics producers, art teachers, museum curators, museum educators and all enthusiasts are welcome to join this list. " archives

TAGS seems to be right now the most active among mailing lists dealing with Art for the Blind, but there have been quite a few attempting to cover the field. Find other ArtBeyondSight and NFB mailing lists

The Feeling of Art: A Tactile Multimedia Art Experience Part 2 2018 Art Exhibition Concord University, October 11 2018 info

(I learned about this from the NFB Artists-Making-Art mailing list. Worth a look)

Gibbes Museum of Art invites visitors to touch the art, Charleston SC The Post And Courier. Good article, deserving of a friendlier publisher (cannot be printed, and I doubt that website is text-to-speech friendly). Interesting ideas for museums, exhibits, etc.

Art Education for the Blind (AEB) 2014 "I .. knew that we could find ways to bring art to blind people, and that learning about, appreciating, and creating art would improve and enrich the lives of blind people as it does for sighted people."

Impressive work, like the Museum Education Initiative, Art Beyond Sight discussion group networks, etc.

Haptic Art LLC, 2017 "We are a company passionate about expanding visual arts to the blind and revolutionizing the way people perceive visual art." They want to work with museums.

Blanton Museum of Art (Austin) We’ve been to Paris, and you can’t touch art there either. (no idea what that page means, I can only see that title. It shows up when doing searches for Touch This Art. BTW, there is at least one museum in Paris that has a "touch the art" room. Oh well.)