
Week 1:

Implemented the PWM protocol with the UltraSonic sensor so that we may measure distance relative to the sensor. Using this distance, we are able to program the logic of what each change in distance will represent, and therefore, are able to have the foundations that will incorporate the LED display into our project.

Week 2:

Working on using the I2C time display and connecting it to the STM32l476RG board. Implemented conditions that will allow for the distance sensor to be used to move the display timer into different modes like resetting, setting, and changing. Setting up program that will allow the timer to be used via Bluetooth so that other devices can be used to read and set time instead of only using the distance sensor.

Week 3:

Modified third-party drivers for I2C OLED display to use our own I2C interface to send data from the board to the display. Display now functions as intended after a lot of debugging and experimentation. It will be used to show the user the state of the state machine and time remaining after setting a timer.

Working on integrating the display code with the ultrasonic sensor gesture recognition code to complete implementation.

Experimenting with a second 20x04 LCD display to show addition information (e.g. a progress bar for the timer, real-time clock, etc.) in conjunction with the OLED display.

Planned skit for project advertisement.