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Japan's anti-doping agency has banned a kayaker from competition for eight years after he admitted drugging a rival to boost his own chances of competing at the next Olympics. The Japan canoe federation has condemned Yasuhiro Suzuki's behaviour as totally contrary to the spirit of sporting fair play. Celia Hatton has more.

Yasuhiro Suzuki told investigators he was desperate to qualify for the Olympics that would be held in Japan in 2020. But he feared he wouldn't be able to beat his younger, faster team mate Seiji Komatsu. So he ordered a prohibited muscle- building drug online and then, before a major race last August, he slipped it into Seiji Komatsu's drink. His plan worked. Komatsu beat him in the race, but then tested positive for the banned substance and was disqualified. Today, announcing their findings to journalists, Japanese sports officials said Yasuhiro Suzuki had felt so guilty about cheating that he'd confessed what he'd done. But the officials were scathing, calling Suzuki 'extremely evil'. They said he had a history of sabotaging competitors. At the August race he admitted stealing his rivals' paddles and other equipment. Now he's banned from the sport, while the young kayaking star, Seiji Komatsu, has been reinstated to the Olympic team

Fuente: BBC Radio 4 Six O'Clock News- https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/b09kq18g


Hello and welcome to CONNECT THE WORLD. I'm xxxx live in London for you. Now, we turn to Brexit to start off with. And battle scarred but not beaten yet. British Prime Minister Theresa May is set to make a statement to Parliament in the next half an hour, as she tries to find a way forward for her Brexit plan. But, the drama and disharmony in Westminster continues and Mrs. May's historic failure to get the votes she needed to pass her deal last week has stirred a government meltdown. CNN has learned that cross party members of Parliament are planning to introduce legislation which would make it impossible for Britain to leave the EU without a trade deal in place and render any alternative plan for Mrs. May completely redundant. More from our correspondant xxx.

Fuente: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1901/21/ctw.01.html