colour me happy 

media kit

‘The Colour Me Happy workshop and book have been created with the purpose of increasing wellbeing through creativity and fun. They ask its audience to consider five questions: what makes you feel positive, engaged, connected, purposeful and accomplished’

Scroll down to see the latest workshop dates!

The Host

Yaniv Janson, a young artist from West Coast Raglan, New Zealand has a great passion for environmental and social issues which he reflects in his art work. Yaniv lives with both epilepsy and autism, however this does not stop him from his 16 years of painting art that can be shared and loved across the world. 

Yaniv has been awarded over 18 awards, participating in more than 40 exhibitions and has sold 204 paintings, including in prestigious collections such as the Wallace Arts Trust.

Colour Me Happy Workshop 

The workshop was constructed to help enable and empower diverse communities to increase their wellbeing through mindful practice. The PERMA evidence-based model (Seligman, 2018) is used throughout this workshop for participants to actively engage in wellbeing practice. Participants use creativity and fun to dig deeper into their personal wellbeing and enhance it. 

The workshop is divided into 3 parts as shown in the photos below.

Workshops last between 2 to 4 hours, depending on the organisation's aims.

personal space

Participants practice mindful reflection and relax. Research about mindful colouring has shown its beneficial impact... and our participants have confirmed it!

small group space

In small groups, they discuss new ideas that come up during mindfulness break. Research has shown that mindfulness enhances creativity... and we can feel it!

team space

Each participant presents their dream project - or their most urgent task - and all contribute in a speed-dating format. This is a fun team building cap to the workshop.

Colour me happy book

Yaniv created the Colour Me Happy book to offer practical support to move from inspiration to action in developing one's wellbeing. 

This book is a tool for people to work on individually or in a group. It is a resource for teachers, coaches and workshop facilitators. 

As a colouring book, this resource aims to bring wellness through mindfulness and fun and experimenting with perhaps novel ways to grow one's wellbeing practice. 

The Colour Me Happy workbook also aims to educate communities around environmental and social sustainability while empowering them to become confident in themselves and responsible stewards of the earth. This is because research has shown that our wellbeing as people is inextricably linked to the wellbeing of our planet. However, in spite of the many calls for change, it has been a challenge to get action on a large scale. Besides the actions that governments and organisations must take, individual actions will contribute to making a difference.

Colour Me Happy activities aim to clarify the link between individual and community wellbeing. The workbook takes us through the PERMA wellbeing model first described by Dr. Martin Seligman (*) and encourages us to use our imagination and determination to touch the world we live in, hence our wellness, positively.

Included in the workbook are a number of digitised drawings of Yaniv’s paintings for you to colour or paint, along with 'taking action' pages that prompt you to think about what steps you will take toward increasing each wellbeing domain.

So go on, take a mindful moment for yourself to be creative and reflect on what YOUR next actions could be to increase your wellbeing.

Sneak Peak of Colour Me Happy Book

Pages of inspiration

Pages to jot ideas down

Colouring in pages

Yaniv's paintings


‘I want to say again Yaniv, the Colour Me Happy class is outstanding! The way this class brings people together over a series of weeks for social interaction while learning is just perfect’ 

Selwyn Cook, Facilitator, Disability Employment [video above]

Selwyn won the 2014 Attitude ACC Employer Award, 2015 Diversity Works Diversability award, City of Hamilton Civic award for Community, People and Wellbeing, and the 2016 Kiwibank New Zealander of the Year Local Hero.

(*) Martin Seligman (2018) PERMA and the building blocks of wellbeing, The Journal of Positive Psychology, 13:4, 333-335.

February 2023 workshop in Whaingaroa Raglan


Raglan Naturally coordinators reflect on the outcomes that they had planned.


Social worker Lisa enjoyed the mindfulness workshop and the personal and professional outcomes from this meeting. 


"I will go home and share this resource with my family... love the mindfulness colouring book!"

Feedback: Raglan Naturally newsletter (below)

March 2023 workshop in Otautahi Christchurch 

Two Colour Me Happy workshops were carried out at Turanga, Christchurch City Council: one for staff and one for mainstream audience: See below the participants' feedback after the workshops.

staff feedback

Thrill and excitement at the breath of creative help and support for each other's dream projects!

Participant feedback

Justice shared her challenge with finishing projects and received help from everyone.

Justice got lots of ideas and help, including an offer to mentor her, from participants. She comments that she learnt about herself and will take her learning to her community and to help future generations coming through.

Colour Me Happy workshops with Turanga audience


What do participants feel and experience during Colour Me Happy workshops?

Calm, mindfulness, focus, joy,  childhood memories... and the joy of reconnecting with inner creativity.

February 2023 workshop in Wellington with Whaikaha

coloured happy

Whaikaha, Ministry of Disabled people 

This Communications Team enjoyed the outcome of the workshop - some (albeit too short!) mindfulness moments, the relaxation brought about by the activity, the opportunity to reconnect with our creative selves and some awesome new collaborations and sharing of ideas... team building and more!


Participants outcomes

Participants collated their wellbeing experiences through a workbook designed to embed art into the expression of wellbeing. People took this wellbeing journal home, having identified future ideas to grow their wellness.They commented that the experience was very positive, that the mindfulness experience of colouring allowed them to create some mental space to think about how to enhance their wellbeing, that sharing with other participants what they experienced allowed them to gain further insights. Finally, the last part of the workshop was about planning a special passion project and getting feedback and help from other participants. People commented that they were often surprised by the extent of the social support offered.

Organisers outcomes

One City Council staff commented that multiple benefits were experienced. For instance Community Outreach materials were created in collaboration with the staff from the original workshop materials. A Public Programmes Coordinator, Programmes Events & Learning wrote: “Thank you again for your valuable work with us earlier this year- encouraging parents with neuro-diverse children, the ‘Colour Me Happy’ workshops for our staff and the public, and Yaniv’s very personal and intriguing exhibition. After further discussion with our library team, we would like to collaborate with you and Yaniv to co- create a rich opt-in program for our City Library network, spanning Neurodiversity week and Rainbow Pride in March 2024.”

Community outcomes

One community event created new opportunities for their team of connectors to collaborate and plan for community resilience. These staff commented that the Colour Me Happy workshop helped them bond as a team and think about new community wellbeing initiatives, including those aimed at youth. Participants shared their goals and were given the opportunity to contribute to achieving each others' goals by providing ideas, networks or mentorship. The workshop offered a real life example of how communities are made stronger through the quality of our connections with others. A participant psychologist asked for some of our resources for his work with youth via solution-focused therapy and mindfulness interventions.  

October 2023,  Hamilton, Brain injury waikato

Sponsored by Brain Injury Waikato: "Really excited to share this workshop opportunity! From 1to 4 pm

This workshop was designed to help strengthen the 5 pillars of wellbeing and create a resourse for yourself on how to support your mental well-being.

Benefits to my community

Colleen Moody, Manager, Brain Injury Waikato reflects on the benefits of the workshop to the disability community - a step towards people feeling choice and control over their wellbeing

participants testimonials

At the end of the workshop, participants reported: Support, connection, community, encouragement, joy, wisdom, love, admiration and knowledge!

October 2023 Tokoroa, Industry Training Solutions

Meet at the Tokoroa Community Centre! With support from Industry Training Solutions (ITS)

January 2024 Palmerston North, Industry Training Solutions

ITS carried out 2 workshops: one for the public and one as a team building exercise!

Team building exercise

How exciting for a team to find out that its collective resourcefulness can be harnessed via a wellbeing workshop! Team members choose a project that is dear to them and get ideas, help and support from all other present colleagues... and the energy is felt in the room! 

April 2024 Hamilton, Epilepsy NZ 

More information to come.

See below

Epilepsy New Zealand

A group of 12 people met for the first time at Epilepsy NZ. They discovered how much they had in common and how much they could support each other - right there, right then.

Participant feedback

Wendy shares her thoughts after participating in the Colour Me Happy workshop - sharing goals about widening peer support and building their tribe together - a meaningful day!

Interested in getting the book? Click here for more information! 

Link to this Media kit:

Contact: for more information and to set a date for a Colour Me Happy workshop.