Why is Robotic-assisted Spine Surgery Gaining Popularity?

Safety, accuracy, and efficiency are some reasons because of which robotic-assisted surgeries are gaining popularity among surgeons and patients. For individuals who want to recover fast and don’t want to experience pain post-surgery, robotic surgery is the answer for them. If you’re wondering “why”, then keep reading the following given article to understand it better.

Robotic spine surgery has turned the tables—surgeons can now perform any kind of surgery related to the spine or back efficiently. Dr. Tien Le, head of Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery Surgeon, explains that patients are opting for this surgery since it offers fast recovery and is painless. It offers less time under anaesthetic, accurate placement of hardware, harmless navigation of slight structure.

The latest robotic spine surgery provides real-time verification, Intra-Op Guidance and Pre-Op Analytics. This surgery is best for patients undergoing intricate surgeries that involve more than one level like severe spinal curvature correction, also known as scoliosis.

The procedure of robotic spine surgery

The robotic surgery allows Tampa Robotic Lung Surgery Surgeon to plan surgery’s procedure with the help of software that accurately maps the portion of surgery to offer precise data about the patient’s unique physiology and diagnosis.

Once the robot creates a blueprint, it will guide the surgeon movement of the tiny tools used for the surgery. The surgeon will have control, but the robot lets them be more precise while performing the surgery.

Benefits of robotic spine surgery:

1. Less tissue damage

The use of small incisions and tools simply means less trauma. Unlike traditional surgeries, robotic-assisted surgery doesn’t damage surrounding tissues that leads to less pain and swelling post-surgery.

2. Fast surgery

Since surgeons have already mapped the entire procedure of the surgery, it can be done more swiftly and accurately. You will get to spend less time in hospital post-surgery and it will recover soon as well.

3. Less postoperative medication and pain

Since robotic surgery requires a small incision that comes with no pain, there would be no need to take medications.

4. Less blood loss

With robotic spine surgery, the patient would not lose much blood that means quick recovery and less transfusion.

5. Fast return to normal life

With robotic-assisted surgery or minimally invasive surgery, patient’s healing will be faster and they can get back to normality quickly.


If you’re experiencing deadly back pain and require surgery, it is suggested to see a back & spine specialist as soon as possible and understand how robotic surgery can help.