I run total commander 8.51a with administrative rights and go to c:\ProgramData\.I can't find folder Microsoft, then I go to Explorer and I see it there! I type c:\ProgramData\Microsoft\ in Total Commander manualy and it works! I try the same with c:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\ and issue repeats. Is it Total Commander bug or is it something wrong with my settings?

Either TC is doing something that prevents KeePass sending key strokes, or KeePass doesn't recognise the window title.

Open the security prompt in TC and then open KeePass, edit an entry, select the Auto-Type tab, Add button, and use the "Target Window" drop down to show the window titles. Do you see windows security or TC, or both?

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As you can see in the screenshot above, the app dialog windows, like the Copy/Move dialog exemplified are dual-screen aware thanks to the enhancement changes and this way they are placed on one of the screens and not rendered under the hinge where they could be obstructed.

Hi! i use totalcommander, and when i use the context menu in select files total it dosen't show the context menu. I added a shorcut of mp3TAG in total but it wont working properly i want open just selected files,but it opens all the files in the folder when i click the shortcut

May u help me?

Total Commander is a file manager for Windows, a tool like the Explorer or file manager, which comes with windows.

But Total Commander uses a different approach: it has two fixed windows, which makes copying files much easier.

For example, when it comes to copying files between different locations you usually need to have two File Explorer windows open and dragging between them - and if there are a lot of files you don't have any real control over the transfer except to sit it out.

As is the latest trend with all the operating systems and the applications, Total commander is also offering the feature to switch between the dark and light modes. We can easily enable the dark mode in Total Commander in the following manner:

La mida del programa s'ha mantingut per sota dels 2 MB. Est disponible en versions 16 bits i 32 bits per a totes les versions de Windows i s totalment funcional en Linux sota WINE. Els usuaris de Linux tamb poden considerar emprar Krusader, un producte similar de codi obert per a sistemes Linux/Unix que corren KDE.[5]

its a Great product .

but you need to change the combination for Windows Key + F1 ( for selecting hard disks) to ALT+F1 and ALT+F2 because many users from windows they use hacintosh

But any way its Very good Product.

Total Commander es un gestor de archivos para Windows, Windows CE, Windows Mobile, y Android. Disponible en versiones 16 bits, 32 bits y 64 bits, para todas las versiones de Windows y es totalmente funcional en linux bajo WINE. Tambin existe una versin freeware de Total Commander para la plataforma Windows Mobile. e24fc04721

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