TOSA Dingboxes
TOSA has a set of dingboxes for the use of members. They are loaned out to schools on a term by term basis, and are collectable from the previous school by the next member to have booked them. They are returned to Summer School each January to be collected by the next teacher. In order facilitate handover, the Dingboxes spend a year the North and North-West followed by a year in the South. 2020 is a North/North-West year. Request a booking below.
TOSA Libraries
We have an extensive collection of resources available to members at all Regional Meetings as well as at Summer School. If you have a request to make of our librarian or a suggestion of a resource you would like to see in the library, please email .
When returning books please hand them to the librarian in your area, if you cannot please email the librarian to let them know you have returned the book.
Australian Ways with Orff CD
Available for purchase from TOSA for the bargain price of $20 (postage included). Contact to have one sent to your door.
Nordic Sounds
Visit the Nordic Sounds website and explore some wonderful Orff-based resources from the Nordic lands and peoples.
Resource Libraries
The Southern TOSA Library is located at South Hobart Primary School. Should you wish to borrow anything please send an email to, and Peter will make sure he can meet you there and help you with your requests. Alternatively, you can let him know what you want and he can post it out to you. Loans are for a period of 1 month and prompt returns are appreciated. Browse the collection below.
The Northern TOSA Library is located at Scotch Oakburn College Junior School. Should you wish to borrow anything please send an email to, and your request will be put aside for you at the next monthly meeting. Postage is not available from the Northern library. Loans are for a period of 1 month and prompt returns are appreciated.
The North-Western TOSA Library is located at Nixon Street Primary School. Should you wish to borrow anything please send an email to and your request will be put aside for you at the next monthly meeting. Postage is not available from the Northern library. Loans are for a period of 1 month and prompt returns are appreciated.