20 Getting Started Activity: Modify the Surpac Icon to Set the Work Directory Automatically 1. Right-click the new Surpac icon, and select Properties. 2. In the Target field on the Shortcut tab, append -profile block_model at the end. C:\SurpacMinex\Surpac_60\nt_i386\bin\surpac2.exe -profile block_model 3. Click OK. The profile switch is very useful after you have set up your own profiles. More advanced settings to be aware of are: Switch -trans followed by a nominated translation file. -lm **local** -lm Examplemacro.tcl arg1 arg2 Description Will allow Surpac to start with a particular Translation file. This will start Surpac and only search for a local sentinel. (lm stands for licence manager). This will start Surpac and only search for a server with that ip address. This will start Surpac and run examplemacro.tcl in the startup directory with two variables. Page 20 of 237

21 Getting Started Questions Review Questions Exercises 1. What is a working directory? 2. What does modifing the 'Start in:' line in the Surpac icon properties do? 3. Why would you want to have multiple desktop icons for the same version of Surpac? 4. Does Surpac need a valid surpac dongle/network license to run? 5. On how many computers can Surpac be installed? 6. What is needed to run a licensed copy of Surpac? 1. Determine if your copy of Surpac is licensed for a particular module. A. Start Surpac. B. Choose File>Licencing>Change /Inspect Licence. C. View the current licensing details. Question: i. Is your copy of Surpac licensed to use the Autoplot module? 2. Run Surpac without a license. A. Start Surpac. B. Choose File>Licencing>Change /Inspect Licence. C. When the License Request form is displayed, select none. D. In the function chooser, type: FUNCTION LIST, and press Enter. E. In the current working directory, open the file surpac2.txt. All of the functions available without a licence are listed under the none module. Questions: Use the file surpac2.txt to answer the following questions. i. Can you display a 2D grid without a Surpac license? ii. Can you run Autoplot without a license? 3. Start Surpac in a specific folder from a desktop icon. A. Exit Surpac. B. Using Windows Explorer, create a new folder (for example: C:\MyData). C. Create a new icon on the desktop by copying and pasting an existing icon. D. Right click on the new icon and choose Properties. E. Edit the Properties so that Surpac automatically starts in the MyData folder. F. Change the name on the icon to Surpac _MyData. G. Double-click the icon. Question: i. Does Surpac start up in the correct folder? ii. Setup the Surpac icon to look for a local licence only. A. Exit Surpac. B. Right click on the Surpac icon and choose Properties. C. Edit the Target line, by appending the Licence Manager "local" switch. D. Start up Surpac. Question: i. Under what circumstances would you need to use the license Manager "local" switch? Page 21 of 237

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22 Surpac Concepts Exercises Surpac Concepts Overview In this chapter, you will learn about: Surpac data types. Function-centric vs data-centric operations. Surpac Data Types Surpac uses many different file types. Each file type is represented by a unique icon in the Navigator. Following is a list of the most common file types used in Surpac: File type Example Description String DTM Geological database Survey database Block model Plot files Macros Plugins Styles file pit1.str pit1.dtm surpac.ddb ug_mine.sdb block.mdl pit_str.dwf macro.tcl topo2.dxf styles.ssi A string is a sequence of three-dimensional coordinates representing some physical feature. Digital Terrain Model (DTM) files are generated from.str files and can represent surfaces or solids. A DTM surface is a set of triangles that represent a surface such as topography or a pit design. A solid model is a set of triangles that represents a 3D shape, such as an ore zone or an underground mine design. Drillhole database (DDB) files are used to connect to relational drillhole databases. It is a text file that tells Surpac which tables and fields to read from the database. Survey database (SDB) files are used to connect to relational survey databases. It is a text file that tells Surpac which tables and fields to read from the database. A Block Model is a form of spatially-referenced database that provides a means for modelling a 3D body from point and interval data such as drillhole sample data. It provides a method for estimating volume, tonnage, and average grade of a 3D body from sparse drillhole data. The files output from the Plotting module are in DWF format. You can open and edit them in the Surpac plotting window or send them to a plot device such as a Plotter. Macros are custom programs, created to perform a set of repetitive tasks or functionality specific to an operation. You can easily record and edit TCL scripts in Surpac. This icon identifies a type of file that you can import directly into Surpac. For example, you can import any file that has one of the following extensions:.dxf,.dwg,.dgn,.dm,.shp,.dgd. Surpac styles files contain information such as drawing styles, colour settings for strings and DTMs, or default Surpac settings. Page 22 of 237

24 Surpac Concepts Questions Many graphical operations are quicker and easier to perform using the data-centric approach. For example, you can select data in a string file, and then right-click to display functions that Surpac can perform on the data. Review Questions 1. What is a function-centric operation? 2. How are functions accessed in a data-centric operation? 3. How many different surpac file types can you name? Exercises For these exercises, set the Work Directory to /demo_data/tutorials/introduction. 1. Identify file types by icons. A. In the Navigator, identify and open each of the following file types: String File DTM File Page 24 of 237

32 The Surpac Interface Activity: View Changes to the Status Area Layers Pane This is the area where you manage your data in layers. This is described in detail in the chapter Managing Data in Layers. Status Bar The Status bar shows the coordinate position of the mouse cursor as well as the string number and design gradient. The Status bar also shows whether a database or block model is loaded into memory. Activity: View Changes to the Status Area 1. Drag and drop surpac.ddb (a geological database) into graphics. 2. Drag and drop block_model.mdl (a block model) into graphics. Notice that two buttons have been added to the status area, indicating that a database named surpac and a block model named block_model are loaded: 3. Move the mouse within the graphics area. Notice that the coordinates shown in the status area are updated as you move the mouse. 4. In the Status bar, click the surpac button, and select Close. 5. Click the block_model button, and select Close. Message Window The Message window shows the information, warnings, and error messages that Surpac produces while it is executing functions. Tip: Sometimes the message window also contains information such as coordinates of selected points or properties of files in graphics. You can copy this information and paste it into text files or documents. Activity: Clear the Message Window 1. Right-click in the Message window to display a menu. 2. From the popup menu, select Clear Window. Page 32 of 237

53 Advanced Interface Operations Task: Changing setting in Defaults Preferences Taking the centre of the graphics area being 0,0,0 with the screen area going -2 to 2 (x), -1 to 1 (y) and -1 to 1 being above or below the screen, setting up lights in 3 directions ensures any surface or solid will be properly illuminated when rotated on the screen. 4. Customise>Default preferences>graphics colours. Set up the background screen to any colour you wish. Be aware that you have no string colours set the same as your background or they will be invisible (ie. if string 1 is set to black on a black background). 5. Customise>Default preferences>files>file actions. This is where you can change the text editor to Context from Notepad. 6. Customise>Default preferences>alias files. Short.mst and surpac.mst are where the shortcut codes for the Function Chooser are stored. They are stored in the directory C://share/etc. The logical SSI_ETC: is set up in the translate.ssi file, also in C://share/etc. You can setup your own shortcut key file as above my_alias.alias and store it in the same directory. The file should look like this, Page 53 of 237

67 Getting Help Questions 10. Click Save. 11. Give your output file a meaningful name. 12. Navigate to the folder where you wish to store the file, and then click Save. Review Questions 13. the.sbg file to: surpacissues@gemcomsoftware.com 1. Name the three ways of accessing Help in Surpac. 2. What is the effect of putting quotation marks around text in the Surpac help search? Page 67 of 237

224 More Surpac Functions Activity: Open a Database, Display the Drill Holes and Create Sections More Surpac Functions Drillhole Database You can display drillhole data in Surpac to help you see where there are high concentrations of ore in a section. This can help you create input for the block model. In the following task, the drillhole data is stored in a relational database, specifically an MS Access database called surpac.mdb. Activity: Open a Database, Display the Drill Holes and Create Sections 1. Click Reset graphics. 2. Open surpac.ddb by dragging it into graphics. A new icon appears on the Status bar which indicates that the drillhole database is now ready to be used. Note: surpac.ddb connects Surpac to the surpac.mdb database. 3. Click the surpac icon on the Status bar and select Display drillholes. 4. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply. Note: The drill holes are displayed with labels for gold levels. The labels will appear on the right side of the drill holes when displayed in section view, with the formatting that you have specified. Page 224 of 237 589ccfa754

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