About Me

When I'm not teaching, doing, or talking about math, I'm usually watching or playing soccer or hockey (go Flyers). My wife and I also love to hike and travel with our daughter, Scarlett. Outside of studying math, I absolutely love history--in fact, there was a time in my life when math was my least favorite subject in school and I was positive that I would become a historian! Obviously things have changed a bit since then.

Theo not letting me work.

Scarlett conquering a wave.

I am also passionate about cooking, as well as playing and enjoying music (Pet Sounds is the greatest album of all time, and I don't mind arguing about it). I've also been known to enjoy reading--Shakespeare, Vonnegut, World War II memoirs, an array of postmodern and beat poets, to name just a few--as well as playing Scrabble, card games, the NYT crossword every day, and all types of trivia.

My wife Katie, Scarlett, and myself.