Seminar series on 'Data Science'

Upcoming seminars 2021-22 - Data Science

    • Thursday 17 March, 2022. Aula Magna, Palazzo Campana, 17:00-18:00
      Ernesto De Vito (Università di Genova)
      Title: Machine Learning from a mathematical view point: a gentle introduction.

Abstract: The talk is devoted to a mathematical introduction to Machine Learning. We focus on supervised learning setting and kernel methods with square loss by using classical tools from the theory of inverse problems.

    • Thursday 24 March, 2022. Aula Magna, Palazzo Campana, 17:00-18:00
      Giacomo Aletti (Università di Milano, La Statale)
      Title: Mathematical, numerical and statistical problems in the analysis of probabilistic counting of distinct elements

Abstract: Data streams are sequences of objects that cannot be available for random access but must be analyzed sequentially when they arrive and immediately discharged.

One of the main applications in streaming algorithms concerns the problem of counting the number F0 of distinct elements in a stream, when the information that can be stored is of the order of the logarithm of the quantity of interest F0.

In this seminar, the Flajolet-Martin class of probabilistic algorithms is analyzed from a probabilistic point of view, thus opening several computational, statistical, and mathematical problems. Connections with some consolidated theories will be shown.

The results presented may be found in Aletti G. Analytical Confidence Intervals for the Number of Different Objects in Data Streams. Big Data Research, Volume 25, 2021

Seminar series funded by CRT Foundation , Project "Strengthening and internationalization of advanced training in Data Science at the University of Turin"