A/V Club

A/V Club is a casual, monthly meetup for folks in media related to photo/video/audio/writing. 

At A/V Club, folks of all stripes—from early career to veteran and more established—can expect socializing, time to talk about what you're working on and feedback, and probably...some snacks.

Share works-in-progress, have low-stakes / informal industry dialogue, and build the community of people under the A/V umbrella in Midcoast Maine. If you make work in photo/video/film/audio/writing and are:

...this is an experiment to service your needs. In short: a community A/V Club (modeled after other similar Radio Clubs). Hopefully, we watch/listen/experience work, meet new folks, and connect.

This is intended for people working in (or want to work in) photo, film/video, and audio. It's a ***FREE*** event, feel free to let us know you're coming because there is limited space. Or just show up!

If you have any questions, reach out to torchlightmaine@gmail.com.