This thread here explains that it's an error which comes from not having a domain added in the whitelist for ReCaptcha Enterprise. However, I am not using ReCaptcha Enterprise. I am only using ReCaptcha v3. And in the documentation there are no mentions of the Error Codes.

@nat would like to update you that i could open the survey URL link without any issue. I tested this with Windows 10- OS, Chrome- browser. Will however explore more if i can find a solution for this issue.

Tor Browser Download Error 404


If there is a way for Enketo to identify if a given request is from Office Discovery and treat it as though it as a modern browser (rather than treating it as IE) that would be magnificent (assuming my hypothesis is correct!).

Thank you @nat for this great search. Yes, at the moment the best approach would be to copy and paste the link directly to the browser. So my guess here is that if your PC has a browser i.e. Internet Explorer as a default browser it would open the link there first. So my advise here would be to change your default browser to some modern browser and see what happens.

Page Not Found or the 404 error is one of the most common errors your can find when you are browsing the Internet. This error simply means that your browser is able to communicate with the website or the server you are trying to connect to, but the server or website could not find what you are looking for thus responding with a 404 error. The are many reasons like broken links, deleted or moved content, etc., behind the 404 error. But the good thing is that the error page can be easily customized in many different ways by the respective web designer or the server admin enabling them to provide alternative options to the users.

The Bad Gateway error is not so common, but whenever you receive this error, it just means that while attempting to fulfill your request, the server which is acting as a gateway has received an invalid response from the upstream server. Most of the time, the problem is outside your computer and the error is generated due to the problems in the servers, and there is nothing much you can do to solve this problem. But sometimes invalid cookies or cache may also cause 502 errors in which case you need to clean your browser to access that server or website.

Unable to Connect means that your web browser is not able to fulfill your request due to the target server or website being currently not available for whatever reason or is experiencing technical problems. Sometimes, you may have misconfigured your firewall or proxy which in turn is blocking you from accessing the website. In those cases try disabling your firewall or changing the proxy settings (if you are using one). If you want to know if the website is really down, you can use services like Is Up.

Server Not Found error is quite similar to Unable to Connect error, but it means that the server or website you are trying to access simply does not exist. This error may also occur when your DNS server is down or due to the typos in the URL you entered.

Phishing and malicious content warnings are some of the best things about the modern browser as they protect you from falling prey to the Internet scams. Whenever your browser displays a phishing warning, it means that the website you are visiting is not what you think it is and is just faking to be the original site. Crackers usually use these phishing techniques to steal your passwords and other important information. In those cases, quit clicking on the links displayed on the web or in the emails and manually enter the website URL to be sure.

If your browser is displaying a malicious content warning, then it means that the website you are visiting may be infected with or is hosting a virus or other malicious content. Since this malicious content is sometimes capable of infecting your computer, it is deemed dangerous, and you should avoid accessing that site until the website owner has cleaned it.

Certificate errors are displayed whenever your browser cannot verify the real owner of the website using the SSL certificate that is being used by that website. If you ever encounter this type of error, it is always recommended that you stay away from that site, as the connection to that site may be compromised which in turn leads to identity theft. However, certificate errors may also occur whenever a website is using a shared SSL certificate or self-signed SSL certificate. So unless you trust the website that you are visiting, never proceed with a website that has certificate errors.

I know this issue has been posted before. Ā I still cannot find a solution -- wondering if anyone else has. Keep getting the following error within Norton (Security Deluxe) when trying to sign in or check subscription status (see photos). Been happening for many months. Can use Live Update with no issues. Any help or other suggestion are appreciated.

We get this error when calling LabVIEW 2011\vi.lib\Platform\dataskt.llb\DataSocket Select, to browse for channels from a third-party OPC Server on another computer on the network. The DataSocket browser window does not open.

This missing thing is from the third-party OPC Server, nothing to do with NI components. However, NI's OPC test client and a third-party client have no trouble seeing the OPC server's channels, but this DataSocket browser VI in our application does have trouble. Sometimes we get the error and sometimes we get the browser but it doesn't show everything the server has. Gettng OPC connections to work reliably, with all the various versions and topographies possible, is challenging!

Some users would like to be able to complete the survey in a browser. So I attempted to complete the form in Chrome. It seems to work fine until a question that is a select multiple with a maximum number of selections defined. When this part of the form is completed in the browser an error appears : "Survey contains errors: 1. Press here to navigate to each error."

I am not overly familiar with the browser version of Survey123 as this is the first time I have looked at a form in this way as all previous surveys using Survey123 have been created, tested and used only on mobile devices.

The Survey123 website is great for simpler surveys that will use the browser. It's quick to create and the little 'thank you' message you can make is great for browser-based surveys. Typically public users. No login or install.

I also had this problem and in my case it was caused by a hidden dateTime field. Once I removed the "hidden" from the appearance column for my dateTime field the browser error went away. Hope this helps!

This survey is fully intended to be used by desktop users, no mobile devices. When I try to open the form from Portal, I get this error: This survey cannot be accessed in the web app. Please contact the survey owner to republish the survey with 'Create web form' enabled. Error: MissingĀ 

If I go to the form's item page in Portal, select Manage in Survey123 Website, I get an error: The survey is not accessible or does not exist. Please ensure the signed in user (*********) can access this survey and that the survey link is correct.

The survey works fine in Connect, how do I access the survey via a web browser? I upgraded Connect to 3.15.165 and republished with the same results. I need to send the survey link to users to complete in a web browser.

I have a new TP-Link AC4000 router. When I try to access the web interface, I get "Unsupported Browser", no matter which browser I use. BUT I can get in if I use incognito mode. Any ideas? It works fine from another PC on my network.

Using the original Nest cams (5) and the original Nest app, when I pick on a notificatrion I have to sign in with my Google account (this is a crap design), then I have to choose an account (I have more than 1 Google account so more crap), and then I get the 'Update your browser' error and no window opens!!! This is my iPhone 13 and it is always up to date!

I don't get this error if I use the Google Home app to open a notification view.

What is the fix???

No help, none of the browser suggestions helped; the default always was Safari so I changed it to Chrome and same error message!

PS. I don't understand this community post as every time I post an issue all responses are closed out within hours; Reply pick is unpickable!!!

Any ways the problem in my original post is still an issue!!!

@jriccardi, thanks for reaching out here in the Community. We heard you and we wanted to help you out. Try reinstalling your Safari, Chrome web browser and Nest app and sign in again. Also, I just wanted to confirm, did you try signing in to the web using your desktop computer with your web browser?

Thanks for getting back to us. To confirm, have you tried using a different mobile phone to see if the same issue persists? Could you try checking if you're signed in to your other devices like iPad or desktop computer? Try reinstalling your web browsers to those devices and kindly sign out and restart your mobile phone.

I am getting an error when logging into an office 365 email account which I purchased from Godaddy. I had no issues logging in though my laptop. I am running the standard windows security.

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I ran the provided file with emclient closed and then verified the changes in the registry. I tried signing into the account again and got the same error. I rebooted the pc to make sure and repeated the process and still the same.

There is nothing to remove Gary as my whole problem is that I cannot add the account thus the accounted is not added. Or are you referring that I uninstall emclient? If I uninstall emclient then the registry change I just did would be undone.

I have tried setting up this account on 3 desktop computers. The error is the same on all of them but on my laptop there was no such error and I was successful.

Well, I writte this topic to know if somebody else is having this issue updating to the last update of Tor Browser 11.5, it gaves me error 139 when I use the Tor Browser Downloader. I already did the upgrade-nonroot in gateway and workstation, I tried to import again the virtual machine, and nothings works.

Maybe is something related to the last version of Tor Browser? I find article with the same issue about the last update of Tor and is of 17 hours ago, and is happening on Qubes, but I cant send the link. 2351a5e196

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