Discipline Strategies to Teach Kids Classic Manners

Therefore, considering the differences between such subcultures in different countries, it should be said; Social etiquette is different in many countries, and each country and possibly each culture has its own etiquette. In Iran, friendly epochs have different physical and mental limitations between the opposite sexes, while friendly epochs in Western countries between the two opposite sexes is not only normal and accepted, but in many cases it does not mean mental or behavioral gaps between the two sexes. It is considered the opposite.

There are some limitations to be added; There are many issues of social etiquette that have some common principles regardless of subcultures in different countries and civilizations, such as; The etiquette of going to a party or the etiquette of being a host and the etiquette of employment and mutual cooperation, and even the etiquette of being in the community and socializing in this regard can be explained in detail and some social etiquette in the continuation of the article.

Teaching etiquette and etiquette in the community

Some social etiquettes are not related to color, roots and language. Some social etiquettes are common to all subcultures and territories. Like etiquette in the community or teaching etiquette in the community. The etiquette in which it is prescribed that everyone who is supposed to be present in the community must be dressed in neat clothes and related to that environment or community.

Just like when you are going to a sports class or a friendly party in the park, do you go to see your friend in the park or in a coffee shop or restaurant in the same sportswear? Or can you go to a sports class in a dress you used to meet with a friend or colleague in a restaurant?

What should be done to observe social etiquette in society?

  • Choose and wear clothes that are relevant to that community or community.

  • Keep your shoes clean and tidy, and of course match them with your clothes as much as possible. You are not going to wear a suit with sneakers or sneakers.

  • If you have a request from someone, be sure to use the word "please".

  • Do not forget to thank.

  • Be sure to use the word "I apologize or apologize" when interrupting or entering a conversation.

  • Do not interrupt others

  • When someone says something that is not to your liking, do not necessarily react immediately.

To teach social etiquette and etiquette in the community, adhere to the following

  • When talking to others, please do not play with the phone or show yourself playing mobile games.

  • If you do not wish to continue such a presence in that community, please leave.

  • Do not look elsewhere when someone is talking to you

  • Use polite and respectful sentences.

  • Practice and express positive thinking.

  • Shouting and talking loudly in public places is not only not good for class, it will make you unconscious.

  • Do not be rude. Just because you are in a public space or open community does not necessarily mean that you are allowed to be rude or obscene, so please be polite.

Observe etiquette

Another etiquette is to understand the etiquette of dressing. Engagement and wedding dress is definitely different from mourning, university, sports and birthday clothes, so follow the etiquette of dressing.

Workwear and interview

If you are going for a job interview, your clothes and appearance will definitely influence the management decision, so wear the right job for the job interview.

Some jobs, such as construction or medicine and road construction and electrical work, have their own clothes, but the day of the interview is different. On the other hand, in the workplace, your clothes should be in line with your job.

Wedding dress and evening dress

Suits and formal attire are commonly referred to as formal wear, which is used in every ceremony, although some countries have their own attire for some ceremonies, such as weddings or funerals.

Formal ceremony

Formal ceremonial attire is found in its name and title; Definitely needs formal attire. That means you have to wear the right shoes with a suit, and you can't be in that house with sports pants.

Women usually wear more appropriate shoes, such as high heels, in such formal occasions, as well as shoes that match the dress and the color of the dress.

Before leaving home, make sure you are neat and tidy. For example, make sure that the buttons on the clothes are closed, up to the zipper of the pants and the shoelace. Comb your hair and be present at the gathering if you want to be fragrant.

Keep your back straight and do not squat. Look forward and of course do not lower your shoulders. Please do not speak in public and never swear at others.

In any community that you attend, whether it is a sports community or a formal and friendly community, you will definitely meet new friends or people, so it is necessary to get acquainted with the etiquette of meeting new friends and people.

Teaching social etiquette and etiquette to meet new people

Whatever your situation, whether you are a driver or a surgeon, any interaction in the community will definitely lead to your new acquaintances. Have earned.

Therefore, being in the community and any movement in the community outside the home and family may lead to new acquaintances that will have a great impact on your future, so we recommend that in such cases, be sure;

  • Be polite as you meet the new person.

  • Politeness does not mean ignoring the other person's rudeness or rudeness, but it does not necessarily mean that people behave similarly to themselves.

  • If meeting a new person is ideal or even pleasant for you, be friendly with him. In other words, do not act in such a way that the other person feels that he is getting to know his enemy.

If you do the work of successful people, you will achieve the same results that they have achieved.

  • If you can shake hands with him and if you can not shake hands, be sure to express your satisfaction with this acquaintance with the title of pleasant sentences.

  • Don't forget that shaking hands and shaking hands are sometimes vivid evidence of how you feel about the other person. Psychologists believe that the way people shake hands with each other can be seen in the degree of intimacy and, of course, their trust in you.

  • Do not look into the other person's eyes for more than 5 seconds.

  • Be sure to introduce yourself to the person you met and what you mean by this acquaintance and the reason for your presence in that group.

Teaching social etiquette when meeting a new person

  • You can ask about the person you met. Like a job? Or education and other questions you would like to know from the other person.

  • Do not shy away from talking during the acquaintance or if the other person is talking, please listen to him. If you do not like the person in front of you, say goodbye politely and leave the dating table, but do not be rude.

  • In a friendly meeting or a new meeting, you do not necessarily have to talk about everything that is on your mind.

  • Think about the words and sentences you say.

  • Never gossip if you have a mutual friend or a mutual friend. Slander or any other negative behavior will lead to a bad introduction from you. So start with positive thinking.

  • It is definitely your right to know the basic information about the other person. Education status, the school he attended, where he grew up, marital status, dreams and even aspirations are some of the issues that will be discussed in an initial and friendly meeting.

  • The best start is to get to know the other person, so look for good excuses to find out how he or she is, such as his or her birthday or personal interests, and find common ground that could lead to a reunion.

  • Please do not touch your happy nose during the acquaintance or conversation. This is the height of impoliteness.

  • Do not go around with your clothes or hair. Do not comb your hair in public.

Follow the following etiquette to have a greater impact on people

One of the important etiquettes in social etiquette is the way of getting acquainted and of course the way of saying goodbye. Just as a group of people in a restaurant or any other public place should not know that you are saying goodbye to your new friend or friends, your greetings should not be so loud that everyone in the hall or a place The public will notice your presence or acquaintance with the new person or people, so say hello and say goodbye more calmly.

If you meet a new person in public, do not express knowledge to become more knowledgeable about the group and of course the information of the people, then if you need to comment or talk about a particular case, explain as much as possible. This will further protect your dignity.

If you meet a new person in public, do not quickly become a cousin. In other words, using a plural phrase like "you" is the best option for continuing a new friendship to get to know him better and be intimate. Use the word "you" after you become close with your new friend.

Watch your mobile voice in public. Both soften the ringtone and do not leave the room to talk on the phone until you have to. Please do not chew gum when meeting a new person or attending a new gathering.

And the important thing after you meet new people is the type of approach and of course the observance of etiquette such as eating etiquette. Yes, eating in public also has etiquette. Although many people have performed these etiquettes at home and at their dining table so beautifully that they do not need to practice and care at the dining table outside the house, but mentioning some points is not without merit.

Teaching social etiquette and eating etiquette

If you are one of those people who like to spend time with your friends outside the house and of course you like eating out more than at home, I recommend you to observe these few points more and better among your friends and in friendly circles;

  1. Be sure to follow the etiquette of eating because eating right will lead to better and of course better knowledge among your friends.

  2. As soon as you sit at the dining table, be sure to put your handkerchief on your feet.

  3. Do not start eating until everyone is at the table, let all friends come to the table.

  4. Do not chew food with your mouth open.

  5. Never talk to anyone while chewing food.

  6. Never put your morsel or spoon in a sauce or salad bowl, there is a special spoon or fork in each of these bowls.

  7. Look for the gentle logo of your bites. In other words, eat slowly.

Social etiquette for eating in public

  1. Never hold a spoon or fork in your fist.

  2. Do not lie around the table to pick up salt or other items. Get help from others.

  3. Do not bend the table and please sit at a flat table.

  4. Forget your memories when eating and please do not try to make others laugh

  5. Do not argue while eating.

We have to become a new person to get new results.

  1. Unfortunately, since most families or even friends do not have the opportunity to see and visit and even everyday conversations, the dining table or dining table may be the only opportunity left between family and friends who can sit at the table or talk. Mention important points while the table is a place to eat, not a table for family problems or friendly violence and reconciliation.

  2. Be sure to wash your hands after eating, and of course it is better to brush your teeth.

  3. If you eat salty or spicy food and you feel bad, not everyone is going to understand that you should ask for help from the closest person at the table, water or yogurt will help you.

After dinner you will probably go for tea or maybe fruit and sweets. In many countries, the menu of fruit or tea or sweets is customary after food. For example, among us Iranians, after tea, usually use tea as a menu after food, and in Turkish-speaking countries, sweets are used as a menu after food. Welcome to these menus.

Teaching the etiquette of drinking tea

Tea is one of the most important and, of course, the most common drinks among us Iranians, and it is often used after meals in every Iranian community, and of course in the Eastern community, so when serving tea, please;

  1. Do not sip tea loudly. Allow the tea to cool slightly, then drink it gently.

  2. Do not drink tea out loud. Others are not going to learn from you.

  3. If you use sugar in the tea, please do not stir the tea loudly.

  4. After stirring the sugar in the tea, please place the teaspoon next to the saucer or on the table. In other words, the teaspoon should not be inside the tea cup so that you do not have to hold it with the cup.

Teaching social etiquette is essential

You may be familiar with some etiquette in this article or in other articles, but it is important to know that the best etiquette and the best etiquette training is etiquette that starts from your own home. These tips will not become the queen of your mind in the society and among the people, unless you deal with some points of social etiquette in your private home and do not use them at the dinner table.

In other words, unless you use a spoon and fork on your table, you will have trouble using a fork in a friendly gathering because it has not become the queen of your mind. So the best exercise to teach social etiquette is to change your lifestyle or improve your lifestyle.

On the other hand, the best etiquette training in a situation where many of us have to work abroad for economic reasons and do not have the opportunity to teach it to our children and children is the small trip of our friendly or family periods, in other words, perhaps observing etiquette in First, be a little hard on our child or children, or even ourselves, and restrict behavioral freedoms.

But over time, in addition to being the queen of your mind and your children, it will lead to the preservation of more respect and, of course, the effect that you will see in personal reflections in society.

You will behave more respectfully to have more peace because you have learned to choose respectful friends and relatives around you with respectful behavior and enjoy more peace and comfort.
