Acerola Extract Market Size To Reach $36.05 Billion By 2030

June 2024 | Report Format: Electronic (PDF)

Acerola Extract Market Growth & Trends

The global acerola extract market size is expected to reach USD 36.05 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 8.9% during the forecast period, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. With the growing demand for natural and clean-label products, acerola extract aligns well with consumer preferences for natural ingredients with recognizable health benefits. Its natural origin and perceived healthfulness contribute to its popularity across industries.

As millennials and Gen Z increasingly recognize both the commercial and medicinal benefits of acerola extracts, the cultivation of acerola trees is expected to expand globally. Currently, these trees are mainly found in regions as diverse as the U.S., including Texas, and in India.

Major industry players are poised to capitalize on this growing demand by implementing cost-effective manufacturing processes, given the relative ease of cultivating acerola fruit. Successful cultivation primarily requires careful assessment of wind conditions due to the tree’s shallow roots, with propagation typically achieved through common methods such as seeding and cutting. This expansion of acerola cultivation is anticipated to further stimulate the acerola extract market, catering to the increasing consumer interest and demand for this versatile ingredient.

Consumers associate the color of fresh meat and poultry with its quality, expecting bright red for fresh meat, light pink for cured meat, and light or dark pink for ground poultry. Any deviation from these colors can deter purchases. Hence, manufacturers must prevent color loss in their meat and poultry products to meet consumer expectations.

FORTIUM A, an antioxidant derived from acerola extract, offers a potent source of ascorbic acid formulated to combat color degradation effectively. Acerola extract plays a crucial role in delaying color loss by inhibiting the oxidation of the iron ion within the myoglobin molecule. This not only preserves the organoleptic and nutritional characteristics of products over an extended period but also proves to be a consumer-friendly solution for meat manufacturers.

Renowned for its ability to maintain the fresh meat color by keeping myoglobin in its reduced state, acerola extract powder is highly valued in the meat and poultry industry, serving as both a color protector and a catalyst for curing processes.

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Acerola Extract Market Report

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Acerola Extract Market Segmentation

Grand View Research has segmented the global acerola extract market based on form, application, and region:

Acerola Extract Form Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018–2030)

Acerola Extract Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018–2030)