the top 10 schools in Bangalore

Choose from one of the top 10 schools in Bangalore for your kids

Finding a good school for your child, a school that has everything he or she needs, can sometimes be a big challenge, especially if you’re moving to a city where you aren’t familiar with the neighbourhoods and the schools in the area. To help, below the top 10 schools in Bangalore will help you find the best school for your child. An important factor to consider is the school curriculum — IB, CBSE, ICSE to name a few. It is a good thing that there are plenty of good schools to choose from in Bangalore, and in many neighbourhoods. Before you choose from one of the top 10 schools in Bangalore for your child, below is a current school ranking for 2020. We also offer a list of important factors to consider in the decision process.

List of the top 10 schools in Bangalore

  1. Chrysalis High

  2. Bangalore International Academy

  3. Greenwood High School

  4. Bishop Cotton Boy’s School

  5. Delhi Public School Bangalore East

  6. Jain International School

  7. Frank Anthony Public School

  8. Bangalore Scottish School

  9. The International School Bangalore

  10. National Public School

The school rankings list is dynamic and schools do move up or down based on the key criteria on the surveys conducted. Besides just the rankings and looking at a list of top 10 best schools in Bangalore, parents should take the following aspects into account.

  • Curriculum: Since it is your child’s education, you should look at top qualified schools and check their curriculum. This is important because your child should get a comprehensive education which will help them with their learning journey. Making a visit to the school will help you to check out the demeanour of students — happy, playful, sports choices among other key factors. This is an opportunity to talk to teachers and determine your comfort level with them.

  • Learning atmosphere: Since schools in India offer a range of syllabi and level of difficulty varies, this is one area where close attention is required. Take your child’s needs into consideration — some children thrive in a formal setting and others may need a different approach. Does the school offer hands-on learning and practical activities or do students have to listen to lectures? Talk to other parents and find out how their child is coping at the school and if they have the facility to deal with special needs children.

  • Entrance test: Some schools may require an entrance test and this may not reflect your child’s abilities. This may not quite work out especially if you are in a new country and environment.

  • Other needs: If a child needs help with English as a second language, does the school have video tutorials, playbooks or facilities to help? This would be useful for children from geographies where English is not the primary mode of instruction.

  • Communicating with school personnel: How easy is it to reach the school principal or teachers? Do they write promptly about important events and do they respond quickly to text messages or emails fast?

  • Homework: Is the amount being assigned to your child reasonable? Homework fosters practice and self-learning. Teachers should be able to explain concepts if the child cannot complete some assignments.

  • Location: This is very important in a city like Bangalore where traffic can be slow-moving. Parents should consider their child’s needs and ensure that they don’t spend hours on the school bus. Get the number of the person coordinating the bus schedule so that they can be contacted as and when it is necessary.

  • Additional costs: Get a list of costs that you will have to bear over the school year. You may be surprised by what items are on the list and it is always better to know this in advance.

Chrysalis High checks all the aforementioned points affluently and promises quality education for your kids. There is a lot to consider when you are trying to choose from one of the top 10 best schools in Bangalore for your children. After all, a good school helps build leadership skills and lays a strong foundation for your child. If the school that you have chosen encourages children to take part in many extracurricular activities they will be able to become strong leaders one day.

“Chrysalis High always has great activities that continue to inspire children and their parents. My son loves his teachers. All of the students receive individual attention. The children’s needs are addressed and the teachers take special interest and encourage growth. He loves his friends and all the fun learning activities. Chrysalis High is also a safe place for my child. I know that when I drop him off he’s going to have a great day and there is no worry on my part”

-Sunita Reddy (Parent)