Natural Remedies For Toothache At Home

Natural Remedies For Toothache At Home

A toothache is a pain in and around the teeth and gums. If you have a toothache and cannot see your dentist right away, here are the best natural toothache remedies and you can try at home to ease the pain quickly.

Everyone has had a toothache at some point in their life. Keeping these best natural toothache home remedies handy will help you deal with the pain until you are able to see your dentist to provide a permanent solution to your pain

1. Clove Oil

Clove oil is effective because it contains eugenol, a natural anesthetic. It acts as a temporary pain reliever. Soak up a few drops of clove oil in a cotton ball, then gently rub the cotton ball over the affected teeth and gums.

2. Salt Water Rinse

A salt water rinse can also help control plaque collection on teeth and prevent oral diseases.

Try rinsing your mouth with warm salt water if you have a painful tooth and swollen gums. Simply add a couple of teaspoons of salt to a cup of warm water.

3. Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse.

Like salt water, a hydrogen peroxide rinse can relieve pain and swelling in the mouth.Mix 3 percent hydrogen peroxide with equal parts water. Swish it around your mouth, but don't swallow it.

4. Peppermint Oil

This essential oil has antibacterial properties that may reduce tooth pain.

5.Cold compress.

For swelling and pain hold a cold compress of ice wrapped in a cloth to the painful area for 10-minute periods. Repeat untill pain relief.


One or two fresh cloves of garlic should first be crushed and then mixed with a little salt, and the mixture applied to the affected tooth.It contains a compound called allicin, which is a powerful antibacterial properties to prvent toothache.