Privacy Policy

This Privacy policy is for you. Basically we explains that what,why and where data is used. So read it carefully.

This privacy policy governs and details the main principles that applies to the data we collect and process to:

  • Publishing & Developing

  • Serving Ads which are basically depends on user

When you start using information we app will collect some sensitive and non sensitive data to process further app functionalities which are:


When app will asked you about READ PHONE STATE permission it will be collect only for getting incoming calls detection. Weather the incoming call is coming or not. Somehow it can take incoming calls containing number and stored in local data base of your mobile phone, which is removed when you uninstall the app. No SENSITIVE & NON_SENSITIVE data will be stolen by developers or app.


While you are using our app or running in background, we can take SERVICE permission to run app in background.


For better performance we are using your internet permission to show advertisement which are important for us which is encourage us to bring more products for you.

For further query you can write us at email