
Arts and Peacebuilding

Acting Together on the World Stage. A collaboration between Peacebuilding and the Arts at Brandeis University and Theater Without Borders. A multi-media educational initiative intended to document and strengthen the contributions of performance and ritual to social justice and conflict transformation consisting of a feature documentary, a two-volume anthology, mini-docs on targeted issues, and PDF resources for learning and teaching. 

Imagining peace: An interactive toolkit highlighting artistic practices that contribute to peacebuilding in places affected by conflict and its aftermath; a robust database of organisations, spanning different regions, that are dedicated to merging arts and peacebuilding.

Conflict Transformation through Culture Peace-Building and the Arts. Salzburg Global Seminar, Session 532, April 6-10, 2014. Final Report. 

Living Arts in Post-Conflict Contexts: Practices, Partnerships, Possibilities. LAIPCC Forum 2016 Phnom Penh, Cambodia March 10 to 12, 2016. Report. 

Slachmuijlder, L., 2012. Participatory Theatre for Conflict Transformation.  Training Manual. Search for Common Ground.  

Handbook for Conflict Transformation.